- primgry and middle schools 中小学
- He used to be a framer and middle school teacher. 当过农民,任过中学教师。
- Rubella outbreak mainly occurred in primary and middle schools. 在风疹流行年,农村报告的病例与城市相近。
- Rancho Capistrano offers a preschool, elementary and middle school. 1993年,他当选为世界杰成就者。
- What's the difference between studying in colleges and middle schools? 三、大学学习与中学学习有何不同?
- Remember the Stone Age days of research back in elementary school and middle school? 还记得上小学和中学时那种石器时代的研究方法吗?
- Stipend and scholarship systems have been put in place step by step in primary and middle schools above the town level. 在乡镇以上中学和小学逐步实行助学金制度和奖学金制度。
- Boarding schools have been introduced in rural and pastoral areas, where Tibetan primary and middle school students enjoy free food, clothing and accommodation. 在农村和牧区学校推行寄宿制,对部分藏族中小学学生实行包吃、包穿、包住的政策。
- The function of training the headmasters of primary and middle schools is to develop managerical ability of theirs. 中小学校长培训的作用是开发人的能力,它具有提高性和定向性。
- Objective: To explore the prevalence of mental discorder in elementary and middle schools and how to intervent. 摘要目的:探讨目前中小学生心理问题的状况和干预对策。
- Some primary and middle schools have also been engaged in the experiments on the education of child prodigies. 一些中小学也已经开始了针对天才儿童教育的试验。
- In both primary and middle schools, Xiaoming has always been the head of PE classes. 从小学到中学,小明一直是体育课代表。
- Can Taiwan's elementary and middle schools do their duty in developing the potential of artistically talented students? 四、台湾的中小学艺术资优教育能善尽美术资优人才的培育任务吗?
- Tibet has finished the editing and translation of 500 kinds of primary and middle school teaching materials for the compulsory education stage. 西藏已完成义务教育阶段500种中小学教材的藏文编译。
- In recent years, students from both primary and middle schools are, for many times, prohibited from playing video games, but in vain. 近年来,多次禁止中小学生玩电子游戏,但是却无济于事。
- Causes: In recent years, students from both primary and middle schools are, for many times, prohibited from playing video games, but in vain. 近年来,多次禁止中小学生玩电子游戏,但却无济于事。
- Primary and middle schools in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shanwei cities have closed and all fishing boats have returned to port. 广州,深圳,珠海,和汕尾市的中小学都已经停课。所有外出捕捞的渔船也回到了港口。
- What Are to be Done in Primary and Middle School in the School-oriented Administration? 关于中小学校推行校本管理的思考?
- An Anaemia Status Anlysis of Primary and Middle School Students in Futian District of Shenzhen City. 深圳市福田区中小学生贫血状况分析。
- Primary and middle school corricula reform which has long been weak in pertinency,effectiveness and scientificalness,is entering a new era. 长期以来一直在针对性、实效性、科学性等方面普遍较差的中小学的德育课程改革也进入了新的建设时期。