- She danced the principal role in the ballet. 她在这个芭蕾舞中担任主角。
- The principal role in a dramatic production. 主角戏剧作品中的主要角色
- Role switching involves transferring the principal role to the mirror server. 角色切换涉及将主体角色转换给镜像服务器的操作。
- Pablo Pica o played a principal role in the early movement of cubism. 帕勃洛?毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用。
- Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism. 帕勃洛·毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用。
- The CCP asked to exert the principal role of farmers in her files about New-Country Construction. 摘要中央在有关新农村建设的文件中明确提出要发挥农民的主体作用。
- I can act out such beautiful dreams with Ling playing the principal role, the hero and the villain at the same time. 我是有如此一个美的梦想,这梦想是凌吉士所给我的。 然而同时又为他而破灭。
- The principal role Of enterprises should be given full play in the scientific and technological innovation. 要充分发挥企业在科技创新中的主体作用。
- Forcing service initiates a smooth transition of the principal role to the mirror database. 强制服务将把主体角色平滑转换给镜像数据库。
- This is a metaphor for people who play the principal role of a backbone or the key figure. 起主要作用的骨干或核心人物。
- At any given time, one partner performs the principal role, and the other partner performs the mirror role. 在任何给定的时间,都是一个伙伴扮演主体角色,另一个伙伴扮演镜像角色。
- In a database mirroring session, the taking over of the principal role by the mirror. 在数据库镜像会话中,由镜像数据库接管主体角色的过程。
- Professor Thorn: I know. A principal role of the Director is observation, so watch it, Bob. 教授:我知道。做导演最重要的一点是善于观察,你注意,老弟。
- The principal role of Negroes in American agriculture has changed to that of hired farm worker. 黑人在美国农业中的主要角色已经转变为受雇农场工人。
- Conclusion To play the principal role of mainstay nurses nurses for enforcing holistic nursing was an adapted methods. 结论发挥护理骨干的作用,推进整体护理的实施,是一种可行的办法。
- Conclusion DWI is able to play a principal role in excluding possibility of new onset of cerebral infarction. 结论在急性期脑梗塞影像诊断中,DWI可作为除外新发脑梗塞的主要手段之一。
- When a role switch occurs, the mirror server takes over the principal role and brings its copy of the database online as the new principal database. 进行角色切换时,镜像服务器将接管主体角色,并使其数据库的副本在线以作为新的主体数据库。
- A principal offender is one who organizes and leads a criminal group in conducting criminal activities or plays a principal role in a joint crime. 组织、领导犯罪集团进行犯罪活动的或者在共同犯罪中起主要作用的,是主犯。
- We should continue to improve the management system for rural compulsory education in which the county authorities play the principal role. 我们应该完善农村义务教育以县为主的管理体制。
- The principal role of synchronization is to prevent undesirable or unanticipated interference between simultaneously executing instruction sequences. 同步的主要作用是,阻止可能在同时执行的指令序列间引起问题,或结果不可预料的交互行为。