- This essay examines whether the mood system forms the important parameter of translation and from this study drive principles of translation. 本文旨在考察语气能否作为翻译中建构人际意义的重要参数,以及为翻译提供哪些原则。
- The thesis tries to generalize the common principles of this kind of translation, pointing out the importance of following these principles in translation. 探讨典型汉语英译应遵循的基本原则,这些翻译原则对介绍民族文化有重要意义。
- As a conclusion, chapter five illustrates the general principles of translation and the intrinsic relationship between Nida's dynamic equivalence and Newmark's communicative and semantic approaches. 在最后的结论部分,作者简述了翻译的基本原则以及奈达的动态对等理论与纽马克的语义和交际翻译理论的内在关联。
- Ideally, principles of translation should be systematized in such a way that can be expressed as a flow-chart that indicates the procedure for determining the method of translation for each term. 最好是将翻译原则系统化,并作成可以指导决定每个名词翻译方法的流程图。
- Chapter three discusses the suitable principles of translating euphemisms. 第三章探讨了适合委婉语翻译的翻译标准。
- Such talent of translation is seldom displayed. 这样的翻译才能是罕见的。
- The basic assumptions or principles of a subject. 基本原则,基本假设某一学科的基本假设或基本原理
- I continued at the work of translation. 我继续做翻译工作。
- Correctly grasping it is the key of translation. 正确把握其文化内涵是翻译的关键。
- They seem to be actuated by the principles of equity and justice. 看来他们受公平合理的原则所驱使。
- Based on the principle of "beauty in sense,form,and sound" borrowed from that of translation,this paper is aimed at revealing the rich implication and aesthetic effect that the variants contain. 翻译中的“意美、音美、形美”三美原则亦可作为英语变体词的审美原则,用来探寻其使用过程中所折射出的丰富内蕴和美学效应。
- The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science. 基本原理一个学科、学派或一门科学的正统的、起指导作用的原则
- On Principles of Translation of Chinese Proper Nouns into English 汉语专名英译原则
- The principles of Paris Commune are eternal. 巴黎公社的原则是永存的。
- What are the principles of democracy? 民主制度的原则是什么?
- Translation methodology is the foundation of translation research. 翻译方法论是翻译研究的重要基础。
- We uphold the principle of racial equality. 我们坚持种族平等的原则。
- The principles of the Paris Commune are eternal. 巴黎公社的原则是永存的。
- A believer in the principles of humanism. 人文主义者人文主义理论的信仰者
- The system or principles of monarchy. 君主制君主的体系或原则