- The expansion is fund completely by the private sector. 此项发展是完全由私营部门出资的。
- Private sector participation is essential. 私人机构的叁与仍然是必需的。
- Private sector business accomplishing public works. 承办公务工程的私营商业机构。
- Massive expansion of credit to private sector. 大量扩张对私人部门的信用。
- When is private sector a better option? 何时私有企业是更好的选择?
- And he plans to return to the private sector. 他计划回到私营机构。
- However the private sector is hard to document. 然而,似有经济很难注册。
- Outside the private sector standards are abysmal. 国立之外,私立学校的标准则无法估算。
- The private sector is overloaded with debt. 现在的私营部门负债累累。
- The leisure centre is funded completely by the private sector. 该休闲中心完全由私营部门提供资金建成。
- The expansion is funded completely by the private sector. 此项发展是完全由私营部门出资的。
- Much good work has already been undertaken by the private sector. 由此可见,私营机构已做了不少出色的工作。
- Japan's private sector savings were 26 per cent of GDP. 日本的私人储蓄率为gdp的26%25。
- Rents on new private sector letting were deregulated. 私有住房房租管制被解除。
- August: MA Private Sector Synthesis Team Meeting Portland, USA. 8月:“千年评估”私营部门综合组会议,美国,波特兰。
- Mixed economy An economy with both a public and private sector. 混合式经济:两种企业,政府资助性质和私营性质的,全都包含的经济。
- It calls for the joint efforts of government and private sector. 它需要政府私人团体的共同努力。
- The local private sector has been gaining significance. 社会经济中的地方私营成分正变得日益重要。
- In 1998 the NY Fed orchestrated a private sector bailout of LTCM. 在1998年,纽约联储主持策划了一场私营背景的对LTCM的拯救行动。
- VRT: "Zoveel mogelijk geld jatten van de private sector". 28 个新帖 (共 28 个) fr.;o