- The Barriers for Private Capital to Enter Telecom Industry? 民营资本进入电信业的壁垒何在?
- If the IFC's scheme stimulated private capital, that would be good. 如果国际金融公司的战略可以刺激私营资本,自然是件好事。
- We are a boutique investment bank specializing in the private capital markets. 美国天使资本公司是投资银行,致力于投资私有的资本市场。
- Private Capital, owned by Legg Mason Inc., holds a 5.3% stake in the A shares. 此外,Legg Mason Inc.;旗下的Private Capital还持有5
- One explanation could be that the private capital outflow from Asia offsets the current account surplus. 一种解释便是,亚洲私人资本流出抵消了经常帐户盈余。
- The idea is to use privat private capital and private asset managers to help set a market b value for the securities. 这个主意是利用私有资本和私有资产管理公司来帮助鉴定证券的市场价值。
- Wr are an investment banking and private capital group. We have a number of investment opportunities, both public offers and private capital raisings. 新西兰远太平洋资产公司是一家投资银行和私有资本集团。我们无论在公共还是在个人资本集资方面都有很多投资机会。
- Set new percentages of profit for private capital so that it will be able to make some profits but not exorbitant ones. 重新划定私资利润额,既要使私资感觉有利可图,又要使私资无法夺取暴利。
- Basic Telecom: When to Open itself to Private Capitals? 基础电信:何时对民营资本松口?
- "Denatured" capital accumulation is one that turns public capital into private capital with every artifice. “变性”资本积累是以各种手段变公有资本为私有资本的资本积累。
- We should expand the area in which private capital has market access and create an environment of fair competition for all types of market players. 放宽国内民间资本的市场准入领域,创造各类市场主体公平竞争的环境。
- It was reported that Latin America was the main investment spot of mobile private capital. 某报道指出,拉美是私人游资的主要投资之地。
- Export earnings have fallen at a time when private capital inflows and domestic savings have slumped. 就在私人资本流入和国内积累暴跌之际,出口收入减少了。
- State, foreign and private capital are now working side by side to propel economic development. 国资、外资、民资共同促进经济发展的格局初步形成。
- It makes loans to member nations where private capital is not available to finance productive investment. 它只向那些私人资本不能为生产投资提供资金的成员国贷款。
- This article targets two major problems: Does M &A by foreign capital really excel M &A by private capital? 本文所力图解决的两个问题就是:倍受市场宠爱的外资并购是否真的优于民营并购?
- It suggests private capital will be attracted if the government continues to backstop deals. 它表明如果政府继续支持此类协议,私募资本就会被吸引。
- Net private capital inflows into America seem to have evaporated since the credit turmoil began. 自从信用风暴开始,私人资本净流入美国似乎已经大大缩水。
- The idea is to use private capital and private asset managers to help set a market value for the securities. 这个想法是使用私人资本和私人资产经理人帮助确立这些证券的市场价值。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。