- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- He often came up against the problem of money. 他那时常常碰到钱的问题。
- Also, the phase of TSP and PM10 have been analyzed. 对TSP和PM10的物相结构进行了测试。
- We are facing a problem of great complexity. 我们正面对着一个极复杂的问题。
- How do you cope with the problem of poor vision? 怎样解决视力不好这一难题呢?
- So a kind of new energy was emitted to the study of TSP. 于是,这个古老问题的研究又重新注入了新的活力;
- It's a problem of such perplexity that it was impossible to solve. 那是个复杂得无法解决的问题。
- The problem of neocolonialism was discussed in the history book. 这本历史书讨论了新殖民主义的问题。
- The government is soft-pedaling the problem of unemployment. 政府不声张失业的问题。
- Here I shall also mention the problem of bloating. 这里我还要讲一个肿字。
- Let us reconsider the problem of derangements. 让我们重新考虑错位问题。
- The problem of fuel presses for solution. 这个燃料的问题急待解决。
- Climatic conditions have a great effect on the concentration s of TSP. 气象因子对TSP质量浓度的影响十分明显.
- This is a serious problem of which I am well aware. 这是个很大的问题,我是意识到这个问题的。
- It raises problem of construction and of language. 这会产生构思及语言的问题。
- I have been working on the problem of the retreat. 我一直在琢磨撤退的事情呢。
- He gave us a valuable insight into the problems of education. 他在教育问题上给我们提供了宝贵的见解。
- problem of TSP 旅行商问题
- It also might help solve the problem of people. 这或许也能帮助解决人选问题。
- Unemployment is one of the major problems of modern times. 失业问题是现代的主要问题。