- problem of government trust 政府信任问题
- Depended on the push of government, the development of villager autonomous organization (VAO) has been imposed trust by government Trust is a risky action. 摘要农村村民自治组织的发展有赖于政府的大力推动,这也是政府对其赋予信任的过程。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- It is of the greatest significance and practical problem of Chinese poor's economics to solve the toughest "essential dilemma" of government. 摘要解决国家治理最为棘手的“本质两难”,是“穷人经济学”中国化的最大意义和现实难题。
- It is unwise to resolve the problem of lower effectiveness in health care systems of China by the strategy of government purchase. 结论把政府购买作为解决我国目前卫生补偿效率低下等问题的主要战略是不明智的;
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Between the monopolization and negotiation, the important incentive policy problem of government is how to encourage firm insisting R &D in the military product. 在垄断与谈判权力角力下,如何激励厂商持续从事军事产品研发,是政府重要国防产业政策之一。
- This paper discusses the information-based management system of government, considers its problem of intercommunity, shares and the connection of other systems. 同时,本文还总结了在系统设计与实现过程中,采用的设计模式、体系结构和实现技术,为今后开发可复用的基于工作流技术的信息管理系统提供结构良好的实践参考。
- Parliament is an organ of government. 议会是政府的一个机构。
- He often came up against the problem of money. 他那时常常碰到钱的问题。
- Parliament is the chief organ of government. 议会是政府的主要机关。
- We are facing a problem of great complexity. 我们正面对着一个极复杂的问题。
- Connotation, Formation and Politic Function of Government Trust 论政府信任的概念内涵、形成因素与政治功能
- The government is soft-pedaling the problem of unemployment. 政府不声张失业的问题。
- Advocacy of such a system of government. 联邦主义这种政府体制的主张
- The highest priority of governments has been given to the problem of heavy traffic. 政府已经优先考虑交通拥挤的问题。
- How do you cope with the problem of poor vision? 怎样解决视力不好这一难题呢?
- Few kings now hold the reins of government. 现在很少有国王是掌握政权的。
- A court is an organ of government. 法庭是一个政府机构。
- the System of Governmental Trust - cooperation 政府信任合作体系