- problem related to cohesion 衔接问题
- We threshed out problems relating to production. 我们讨论了有关生产的问题。
- A problem related to nitrification is a drop in PH for the system due to the formation of nitric acid. 和硝化作用有关的一个问题就是由于生成硝酸而使系统内的PH值降低。
- Before leaving this example, it is also worth a brief digression on a problem related to storage allocators. 在结束该例子之前,我们简单讨论一下有关存储分配程序的问题。
- Notes are also given on the problem related to the regional and local chronostratigraphic subdivisions of China. 讨论了与我国寒武系年代地层的划分和建立地方性、区域性年代地层系统的相关问题。
- However, there is a growing interest in a much more difficult problem related to IVP, i.e. 但是,现在人们对困难得多的逆初值问题越来越感兴趣。
- Ask for $3000,OBO.1 year guarantee for any problem related to engineer or transmission. 3000加币,可议,发动机、变速箱1年无故障保证。
- On Some Theoretical Problems Related to the Minority Philosophy? 少数民族哲学:何为?为何?
- The second problem relates to The thrid aspect deals with... 上面的例子可以清晰地把观点逐层叙述。
- This paper concisely introduces the protocols and architecture of WAP and raises an urgent problem related to load balance of a cluster of WAP gateway. 简单介绍了WAP协议以及WAP的体系结构,并分析了WAP网关的负载问题的不同处理。
- Hehe, right, but don't forget that the malfunction of a notebook can be corrected, and the problem related to love can be smoothed out. 为了修正偶多年来一直记在日记本上的缺陷,偶已经忘却了偶的纪念---曾经的爱情。
- Moreover, most Chinese people misunderstand the problems related to science. 此外,大多数中国人对科学的有关问题存在着很大误解。
- Please note: If yo meet a problem related to a Blogger beta version, please refer to our article here. Select your problem from the following list. 请注意:如果遇到与博客测试版相关的登录问题,请在此处查看我们的文章。从以下列表中选择您的问题:
- There are also other problems related to hemoglobin in free solution. 在自由溶液中,也有一些其他涉及血红蛋白的问题。
- No doubt her death is related to politics. 她的死无疑和政治有关。
- Therefore it is very important to discuss the problem related to prevention of geohazard by the reasonable exploitations. 因此,讨论合理开发资源并防止诱发地质灾害问题,是非常重要的。
- These two events were related to each other. 这两个事件相互有联系。
- Forth, Some problems related to VSC control systems based onSVM are discussed. 四、研究了与变结构控制系统相关的一些问题。
- Are you related to Uncle Xu of our village? 你和我们村的徐大爷是亲戚吗?
- J2EE is a system architecture that uses Java2 platform to simplify the complex problem related to development, deployment and management in enterprise solutions. J2EE是一种利用Java 2平台来简化企业解决方案的开发、部署和管理相关的复杂问题的体系结构。