- However, we must not become complacent, but must be aware of the difficulties, problems and shortcomings in our work. 但是我们不要大意,还要看到困难,看到问题,看到我们工作中的缺点。
- However,we must not become complacent,but must be aware of the difficulties,problems and shortcomings in our work. 但是,我们不要大意,还要看到困难,看到问题,看到我们工作中的缺点。
- An official policy of the Soviet government emphasizing candor with regard to discussion of social problems and shortcomings. 公开性,开放性苏联政府关于在对社会问题和弊端的讨论中强调公平的一个官方政策
- In this friendly way, we talked one after another ,pointing out not only our own problems and shortcomings, but those of others directly. 就这样大家你一言我一语,不仅说出自己的问题,自己的不足,还直接指出对方的不足。
- But due to some limited conditions, this new law still has certain outstanding problems and shortcomings, which need further study and resolve. 但由于诸多条件的限制,这部新法仍存在一些突出的问题与不足,亟待进一步研究和解决。
- The authors find that there are some problems and shortcomings on the VRD, and then present some advices in order to improve our VRS in future. 以期发现其中存在的问题与不足,并提出意见和建议。
- TVU modem distance education has accumulated some experience in building online learning resources, but there also esist many problems and shortcomings. 电大开展现代远程开放教育以来,积累了一定的网上教学资源建设经验,但也存在许多问题和不足。
- Methods:A new teaching method-PBL was introduced on the basis of summarizing the problems and shortcomings in the teaching of clinical nuclear medicine. 方法:教学中引入PBL,教师引导,进行小组讨论,对比在传统的临床核医学见习教学中存在的问题与不足,以师生反映及考试成绩作为评价体系。
- The advantages, features, existing problems and shortcomings are analyzed which provides quantitative base for the sustainable development of the journal. 分析了学报的优势与特色及其存在的问题与不足,为刊物可持续发展提供量化依据。
- An analysis is made of the 20 years' researches on the relationship between homophony and Chinese culture, and some problems and shortcomings are raised for further improvement. 从汉文化对谐音的影响研究和谐音对汉文化的影响研究等方面,就20年来有关谐音与汉文化关系的研究加以梳理和阐释,并指出其中尚需改进的问题与不足。
- The paper discusses the present problems and shortcomings in the implementing of subject librarian system,and puts forward the countermeasures to improve the syst... 文章分析目前开展学科馆员制度实践中所存在的问题与不足,并就如何完善该制度应采取的措施和对策进行探讨。
- Let us glance at these advantages and shortcomings. 让我们来看一下这些长处和缺陷。
- Every one of us has faults and shortcomings. 缺点错误我们个个都有。
- Let's analyse the problem and see what went wrong. 让我们分析一下这道题,看什么地方出错了。
- Let's analyze the problem and see what went wrong. 让我们分析一下这道题,看什么地方出错了。
- Everybody has his own merits and shortcomings. 每个人都有自己的优点和缺点。
- Now we have to take aim at the problem and try to get it solved. 现在我们不得不正视这个难题并试图解决它。
- Stop dwelling on your problems and do something about them! 别老唠叨你的那些问题,还是做些实际工作解决它们吧!
- Demands and shortcomings are integral to every happy relationship. 每一个幸福婚姻当中都少不了需求与缺点。
- I refuse to involve myself. Divorce is your problem and your funeral. 我可不管,离婚是你自己的事,你自己负责。