- Debug a process running on a remote machine. 调试正在远程计算机上运行的进程。
- This log will be opened as the user the child processes run as, i. E. The user specified in the main User directive. 此日志会以运行子进程的用户身份打开,比如由主要的User指令指定的用户。
- The underlying kernel tries to make it appear that the processes run simultaneously. On a multiprocessor system, they really can run simultaneously. 底层的内核会尽量使进程看起来像是在同时运行;在多处理器的系统中,它们确实可以同时运行。
- The process run in a boot after the next computer to automatically run this program. 使程序在一次运行后下次计算机开机能够自动运行此程序。
- How can I receive a list of processes running on a system? 如何获得进程列表?
- If you place the script log in your main logs directory, do NOT change the directory permissions to make it writable by the user the child processes run as. 如果你把脚本日志放在你的主日志目录中,不要为了让运行子进程的用户可以写日志而改变目录的权限。
- By default, the cleanup process runs nightly at 02:00 (2:00 A.M.). 默认情况下,清理过程在每晚02:00(凌晨2:00)运行。
- You can change the user account that the ASP.NET worker process runs under. 您可以更改运行ASP.;NET辅助进程所用的用户帐户。
- It considerably shortens the process running times on the master systems. 它可以缩短主系统的镀膜工艺时间。
- SSI solutions modify almost every area of kernel: process management, filesystem, memory management, scheduler, etc. Emulators simplify the deployment by letting the kernel processes run unchanged. SSI解决方案会修改内核的几乎所有部分:进程管理、文件系统、内存管理、调度器,等等。通过不加修改地运行内核进程,模拟器简化了部署工作。
- Oracle utilizes shared memory segments to perform its interprocess communication, and unless the oracle processes run as setuid oracle,they will be unable to attach to Oracle's shared memory segments. 免责:本站所有资源均索引于网络,如果你觉得相关资源侵害了你的权益,请通知我们。
- The functions of screen display, proportioning storage, dynamic zero tracking, automatic fall compensation, production management, physical consumption and statistics, print and monitoring enable the mixing process run with manual and automatic control. 具有屏幕显示、配比存储、动态零位跟踪、落差自动补偿、生产管理、物理消耗与统计、打印和监控功能,可实现搅拌过程的手动、自动控制。
- At present there is a trend to use water-based ink, but with the solvent ink process run faster than the water-based ink, because of volatile solvents, prejudicial to the ink factory dryness. 目后有趋向搁置水性不朱,但搁置溶剂不朱的工艺运行速率会比水性不朱迟得多,因为溶剂的挥发利于油不朱的厂燥。
- In the second section, you will create a console application that enumerates the processes running on your computer. 在第二部分,将创建一个控制台应用程序,它枚举在计算机上运行的进程。
- Windows operating systems support programs or processes running in two different modes: user mode and kernel mode. 操作系统支持程序或进程运行在两种不同的模式:用户模式和内核模式。
- Process Explorer displays processes running in the same account as itself with a blue highlight color. Process Explorer用蓝色突出色来显示与自身使用相同帐户运行的进程。
- The Shared Memory protocol can only be used to communicate with processes running on the same computer as SQL Server. Shared Memory协议只能用来与SQL Server所在的计算机上运行的进程进行通信。
- Task Manager provides information about programs and processes running on your computer. 任务管理器提供了有关计算机上运行的程序和进程的信息。
- As the number of processes running on the system grows, so does the work involved in swapping out one of these pages. 随着在系统中运行的进程数量的增加,将这些页交换出去的工作量也会增加。
- English: There are still processes running in some terminals in this window. Closing the window will kill all of them. 在这个窗口的一些终端中仍然有进程在运行。关闭该窗口将杀死所有这些进程。