- Process water is fed to the vacuum pump for lubrication/cooling. 工艺水进入到真空泵起润滑/冷却的作用。
- We can decontaminate irrigation water, meat processing water, large and small contaminated water supplies. 通过我们卓越的天然产品,可将水质回复到原始状态。我们能够净化灌溉水、肉类加工用水、各类大小受污染水源。
- The distillage from very High Gravity Ethanol Fermentation was filtrated by ceramic membrane, and the filtrate was used as processing water in ethanol production. 运用陶瓷膜过滤酒精浓醪发酵后产生的酒糟,滤液全部回用进行下一批酒精浓醪发酵。
- Optimize chemical dosing and efficient operation of industrial process water and equipment. 优化化学药品给药量,有效控制工业用水和设备。
- Process water, which is treated Yangtze River water will be supplied by Owner from the each battery limit. 业主提供从各个界区处理过的长江水作为工艺水。
- This experiment has high demands for processed water. 这个实验对加工水的要求很严格。
- A portion of process water is used for heat exchanging cooling water, which is demineralized water supplied by Owner. 业主提供的脱盐的一部分工艺水用于与冷却水的热交换。
- Ethanol Fermentation was filtrated by ceramic membrane, and the filtrate was used as processing water in ethanol production. 运用陶瓷膜过滤酒精浓醪发酵后产生的酒糟,滤液全部回用进行下一批酒精浓醪发酵。
- The machine is the special equipment used to process water slot,ulley hole ,lockhole,hardware hole and groove of PVC and aluminum profile. 本机是用于加工铝塑型材门窗排水槽、滑轮槽、锁孔、五金件孔等各类型孔槽的专用设备。更换不同的仿形板,可完成不同形状孔槽的加工。
- The distillage from very High Gravity Ethanol Fermentation was filtrated by ceramic membrane,and the filtrate was used as processing water in ethanol production. 运用陶瓷膜过滤酒精浓醪发酵后产生的酒糟,滤液全部回用进行下一批酒精浓醪发酵。
- By supercritical CO2 process water extracts of vegetable tannin applied to treat Kaolin suspension and their flocculation properties were investigated. 研究了利用超临界CO2萃取技术提取的植物单宁提取液对高岭土悬浊液的絮凝效果。
- Benninger has come up with a new concept in Resource Management (RM), which allows all process water and some chemicals to be recycled and reused. 贝宁格推出用于染整工艺中水和部分化学品回收再利用的资源管理(RM)新理念。
- CHRIST GOEMA GmbH, which was founded in 1955, is one of the leading manufacturers of systems for the processing and treatment of drinking water, waste water and process water. CHRIST GOEMA 自1955年创立以来,就一直处于给水、工艺用水及废水处理设备系统行业的领先地位。并在中国、印度、土耳其以及巴西设有子公司或代表处。
- A new method for monitoring microstickies deposition and its application for OMG repulping water from lab,DIP and TMP process water from paper mills were introduced in this paper. 并就实验室的OMG浆水,生产厂的TMP浆水和DIP-TMP混合浆水的微细胶黏物沉积速率进行了一系列的测试。
- The wastewater flow into the new constructed waste water treatment plant then treated water flow into Tiantie production water tank directly, reused as process water. 污水呈压力流进入新建污水处理厂,经处理后的出水直接进入天铁生产水池,作为生产水利用。
- Electrolyzed-functional water is process water by electrolyzed methods, inducing electrolyzed-oxidizing water, electrolyzed-alkaline water, O3, and HClO. 电解功能水是通过电解方法得到的工程化水,包括酸性水、碱性水、臭氧和次氯酸溶液。
- This machine is the special equipment for processing groove on the drivers of plastic door and window, as well as processing water slot, pully groove, lock hole, hardware hole, etc. 本机是加工塑料门窗传动器安装孔槽的专用设备,亦可加工排水槽、滑轮孔、锁孔、五金孔槽等。
- The sampling results showed that Hg, Cd and cyanide in the irrigating water, Hg, Cd, As and cyanide in the processing water did not detected, BHC and DDT in the soil did not detected too. 对福建省龙海市格林食品有限公司蔬菜基地的水、土壤、大气进行抽样检测结果,基地灌溉水中汞、镉、氰化物未检出,加工水中汞、镉、砷、氰化物未检出,土壤中666、DDT未检出;
- TSU solids settling/oil floating pool has been designed and constructed at the High Speed Rolling Mill of Chongqing Steel Work Inc. to clarify its dirty recycling process water in the second stage. 为重钢高线厂的浊环水二次净化,设计和制作了占地20×30=600m2的斜窄流沉渣浮油池,有效工作面积达3000m2。
- In this paper, some impurities including dissolved and colloidal substances (DCS) of process water in newsprint mill are analyzed and the efficiency of DAF in DCS removal is evaluated. 对新闻纸厂过程用水溶解物和胶体物(DCS)的来源进行了分析,并对气浮池去除DCS的效率进行了评价。