- producer services cluster 生产性服务业集群
- Producer services such as accounting, insurance, legal, custom clearance, and shipping logistics. 上海搞高级制造,管理及各种服务。
- Guerrierip Meliciani Vllnternational Competitivenesin Producer Services Paperpresentedat the SET Meeting Rome,May 2003. 翁君奕.;商务模式创新[M]
- A.S.Bailly:Producer Services Research in Europe[J].Professional Geographer,1995(11). 甄峰、顾朝林:西方生产性服务业研究评述[J].;南京大学学报,2001(3)
- When you are ready to start the instance of Notification Services on the cluster, you start the Generic Service cluster resource. 准备在群集中启动Notification Services实例时,启动一般服务群集资源。
- Such a conclusion is drawn: the spatial distribution of producer services mostly presents agglomerating situation. 认为生产者服务业的空间分布主要呈现集聚态势。
- Fourthly, producer services trade brings about notable economic effect, and larger marginal output. 第四,生产者服务贸易的积极经济效应显著,边际产出大。
- Coffey:Producer Services and Regional Development: A Policy-oriented Perspective[J].Papers of the Regional Science Association,1989(6). 王贵全:论生产性服务对贸易格局的影响[J].;亚太经济,2002(2)
- Much of this growth was fuelled by the demand for producer services by Hong Kong's globalised production network and the trend to source goods and services globally. 服务业迅速增长的主要原因,是香港的全球生产网络对各式各样与生产制造有关的支援服务需求大增,以及货物和服务的采购日趋全球化。
- knowledge intensive business services cluster 知识密集型服务业集群
- Automation,technology upgrading and relocation of lower value-added operations to the Mainland have accelerated the development of more knowledge-based and higher value-added manufacturing,as well as manufacturing-related services or producer services. 由于生产自动化、技术提升以及低增值生产工序北移中国内地,制造业加速转向以知识为本及具有较高增值能力的方向发展。这个趋势亦有助促进与制造业相关服务或制造业支援服务的增长。
- Service activities are also used to produce services externally. 服务作业也是用来产生外部服务的。
- To promote further growth, the Chief Executive said Hong Kong would continue to consolidate development of the four core industries of financial services, producer services, logistics and tourism. 董建华说,为了促进香港经济继续发展,要继续壮大四大支柱产业,即金融业、工商支援服务业、物流业和旅游业。
- The latter is influenced by pattern and level of industry development, producer service's seedtime and market circumstance, etc. 后者受工业发展模式与水平、生产者服务业发达程度、市场环境等因素影响。
- J.W. Harrington, J. R:Lombard. Producer service Firm in a Declining Manufacturing Region[J].Environment and Planning,1989(A21). 阎小培:我国生产性服务业与经济发展关系研究[J].;北京地理研究,2002(5)
- Third, through analysis on the input and output table of Shanghai, the paper validates that producer service sectors are the most contributive industries to the second industry. 通过对投入产出表的分析,验证了生产性服务业是服务业各部门中对第二产业的贡献最大、最具有中间投入性质的服务部门。
- Rhodia is a global specialty chemicals company recognized for its strong technology positions in Performance Materials, Applications Chemistry and the Organics and Services clusters. 法国罗地亚集团是世界精细化工行业中的领先企业,在应用化学、特种材料和服务、精细化学方面拥有强大的技术优势。
- Besides the statistical reason, serious interior supply of producer service in China, deficiency in exteriorization and specialization are the important reasons. 除了统计方面的原因外,中国生产者服务的内部供给现象严重,而外部化、专业化发展不足则是其中的重要原因。
- The Queen requited his services with a knighthood. 女王为表彰他的贡献封他为爵士。
- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师的帮助。