- production factor contribution 生产要素贡献
- Then it comes to a model built as Total Factor Contribution (TFC), which refers to foreign capitals" involvement. 在考察外资在湖北经济发展中的地位和作用时,从外资规模、结构、产业、行业、地区分布五个方面对利用外资现状进行分析。
- Smoking is a major factor contribute to cancer. 吸烟是致癌的一个重要因素。
- Formation of city is the inevitable result of industry and production factor conglomeration. 城市是人类社会生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,是生产要素和产业在空间聚集的必然结果。
- When college graduates enter into employment market as a production factor, it follows the basic economic principle of supply and demand relation. 摘要大学毕业生作为一种生产要素-劳动力进入就业市场,它遵循着经济学中供求关系的基本规律。
- Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to cancer. 吸烟是导致癌症的主要因素。
- Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to lung cancer. 抽烟是导致肺癌的一个主要因素。
- The core of humanism management of modern enterprise is that we should not look the staff as a sort of production factor or resource rather than persons. 现代企业人本管理的核心是:对企业中的人应当视为人本身来看待,而不仅仅是将他们看作一种生产要素或资源。
- The essay also puts forward that through theexploration strategy of enlarging the production scale by improving the utility efficiency of production factor... 通过实施内涵扩大再生产的挖潜战略,压缩站停时间,加速车辆周转,提高车站运输能力。
- What are the factors contributing to its success? 它的成功要素有哪些?
- To be able to provide digital business card printing and membership card production services image solution provider, the data is necessary for a production factor. 对于能够提供数字制卡和会员卡制作服务的图像解决方案供应商来说,数据是必不可少的一个生产要素。
- Which production factors were abundant and which scarce for the United States? 对美国来说,哪些是充裕的生产要素而哪些是短缺的生产要素呢?
- The elites are by their nature a factor contributing to underdevelopment. 这些上层人物天生是助长欠发达的因素。
- A number of factors contribute to this. 对于此总可以归诸于许多因素。
- Factors Contributing to the Decline in CVD Deaths? 哪些工作对心血管病死亡率下降起到作用?
- Fig. 3. The relationships among market weight, price and production factors. 图3.;上市体重与市价和生产因素间的关系
- Various factors contributed to his downfall. 多种因素导致了他的垮台。
- But other factors contribute as well. 但也有其他因素的影响。
- Waive, quality is lower than acceptance level after IQC inspection, IQC have asked to withdraw the goods, but for production factor, so make special adoption requirement. 所谓特采,即进料经IQC检验,品质低于允许水准。
- Motivation is the leading affection factor contributing to language learning. 动机是影响语言学习最重要的内部因素。