- The part of a factory housing the machines where the productive work is done. 工厂里用机器从事生产性工作的房屋。
- All must share in the productive work of this "new beginning", and must share in the bounty of a revived economy. 所有的人都必须投入这个“新开端”的生产劳动,所有的人都必须分享经济恢复的丰富成果。
- All this has gone a long way toward relieving the difficulties brought by the blizzards to the peasants and herdsmen in productive work and daily lives. 这对缓解这次特大雪灾给农牧民生产、生活带来的困难起到了重要作用。
- It is now a beacon of productive work, learning, and professional and personal development. 现在,它已变为一个高效作业、不断学习以及职业和个人发展努力的标志。
- The village cadre said they did not do productive work, they just fooled around. 村干部说他们不好好生产, 吊儿郎当。
- To develop and implement strategies that give young people everywhere a real chance to find decent and productive work. - 制订并实施各种战略,让世界各地青年人有机会找到从事生产的正当工作。
- Do not work on the products, let the products work on you! 不要口说产品有多好;让产品在自己身上产生效用。
- If they could sell their land, tens of millions of underemployed farmers might find productive work. 假如他们能够出售自己的土地,数以千万处于潜在失业的农民可能会找到生产性的工作。
- The Red Guards were armed units of the masses in the revolutionary base areas,whose members carried on their regular productive work. 赤卫队是革命根据地中群众的武装组织,不脱离生产。
- I think enrolling students directly from the senior middle schools might be a good way to turn out trained people faster and to enable them to start productive work sooner. 从高中直接招生,我看可能是早出人才、早出成果的一个好办法。
- We're also doing more product work to make sure that our software fits into this environment in a very rich way. 我们也正在做较多的产品工作确定我们的软件进入环境之内以一非常富有的方式适合。
- What is missing in both self-esteem and money is productive work and a real contribution towards the happiness of others. 自尊心和金钱本身所缺的是创造性的工作以及为他人的幸福所做的实实在在的贡献。
- Software manufacturers determine how their products work with this feature. 软件制造商决定了其产品如何与该功能协同工作。
- We believe that our products work well positioned to meet these needs. 我们认为,我们的产品定位能够很好地满足这些需求。”
- It is provided with low-power, high precision, mightiness calculative function, simple operation, portable and less infection versus product work, etc. 与同类产品相比较,具有功耗低,精度高,计算功能强大,操作简单,携带方便和对生产工作影响小等特点。
- The Komsomol would place the blame for this not on the sexist tendencies of the organization, but rather the inability of women to do productive work or understand politics. 那些共青团员不会把责任归在那些提倡男权至上的组织,而是责备女性没有足够的生产能力和理解政治的能力。
- This program enables you to manage team dynamics in a manner that establishes a productive work environment, delivers high performance, and fosters creative ideas. 这个计划可让您管理团队动态的方式,建立了富有成效的工作环境,提供高性能,并促进创意。
- This program enables you to manage team dynamics in a manner that establishes a productive work environment, delivers high performance, and fosters creative idea... 这个计划可让您管理团队动态的方式,建立了富有成效的工作环境,提供高性能,并促进创意。
- I tink we have a winner here folks.Not only does the product work great, but our Beach station no longer adds to the pollutants on the ISLAND. 我想从此我们有了一个很棒的伙伴,不仅仅是因为它工作出色,而且我们的海岸消防队不会再向岛上增加污染。