- "Decorate, after changing extend project complete, should entrust professional branch to undertake detecting to air quality, ensure air quality accords with national relevant specification. “装修、改扩建项目竣工后,应委托专业部门对空气质量进行检测,确保空气质量符合国家有关标准。”
- He has just turned professional. 他刚转为专业人员。
- He has achieved eminence in his profession. 他在职业上出人头地。
- Teaching is a demanding profession. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作。
- The company has branch out into car leasing. 该公司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。
- Perhaps every profession has got its black sheep. 也许每个行业都有害群之马。
- The branch was sticking up out of the water. 树枝直挺挺地伸出水面。
- The gardener cut off a branch from the tree. 园丁从树上砍下一根树枝。
- A blackbird was warbling from the branch. 一只画眉鸟在枝头歌唱。
- He laddered to the top of his profession. 他跃上他的行业的最高峰。
- The trees branch thickly over the path. 此树生枝极多,遮挡小路。
- He chopped a branch off that tree yesterday. 他昨天从那棵树上砍下一根树枝。
- He is a leading member of the medical profession. 他是医疗业中首屈一指的医生。
- He chopped a branch off the tree. 他从树上砍下一根树枝。
- This survey is the work of a real professional. 这份调查是真正内行人做的。
- She intends to make teaching her profession. 她想以教书为职业。
- She reach up and picked a pear off a branch. 她抬起手从一根枝上摘下一颗梨。
- Professional boxing is no bed of roses. 职业拳击不是一碗好吃的饭。
- He is an electrical technician by profession. 他的职业是电工技师。