- Professional career management of enterprise personnel 企业员工的职业生涯管理
- A study of new tendency and individual strategy on professional career management 职业生涯管理发展新趋势及个体对策研究
- professional career management 职业生涯管理
- Began her professional career after the Olympics. 奥运会后开始她的职业生涯。
- Study of Career Management Program in A Co. Ltd. 论某公司员工职业生涯管理方案的设计。
- Her professional career began at the ripe old age of 8. 她的歌唱事业始于8岁。
- He storied about his academic career and his professional career. 他编造了他的学历经历。
- That's because war-fighting is your professional career. 那是因为打仗是你们的职业。
- Join Us and Embark on an Exciting Professional Career. 加入我们,踏上事业康庄大道。
- One began his professional career in France, the other in the USBL. 一个是从法国开始他的职业生涯,另一个则是从USBL。
- Employers need to rethink their approach to career management completely. 用人企业需要重新全面思考他们的职业发展管理方法。
- Fabulous deals on professional career search services! 玄打入职业生涯搜索服务!
- So, by adding a TANK professional career on the team lineup now what? 那么,加入一个TANK职业会对现在的团队职业阵容有什么影响?
- "It reflects your ethics," says Sheryl-panier, an Marketing executive career management consultant in New York. 如果以后他发现你对收入撒了谎,那么你就得不到这个工作机会了。
- With the advent of knowledge economy,great changes have taken place in career management. 由于知识经济的到来,使得职业生涯管理的背景和条件发生了根本性的变化,从而产生了易变性职业生涯的概念。
- Ashley Dupre, who was Kristen in bed, was no slouch in the career management department. 虽然阿什丽.;迪普雷在床上是个风骚女,但是她在职业生涯管理这方面却并非蠢人。
- The career management has the vital significance to individual,the enterprise and even the society. 做好职业生涯管理对于个人、企业乃至社会都具有重要意义。
- Attorneys who are members of law firms are better able to combine public office with a professional career. 在律师事务所做事的律师,善于把公职与自己的事业配合起来。
- "It reflects your ethics," says Sheryl Spanier, an executive career management consultant in New York. 如果当以后发现你对收入撒谎,那么就会拒绝给你工作机会。
- You have the option of going to graduate scho -ol or starting your professional career. 你有读研究生或开始职业生涯的两种选择