- professional career program 职业生涯规划
- Began her professional career after the Olympics. 奥运会后开始她的职业生涯。
- Her professional career began at the ripe old age of 8. 她的歌唱事业始于8岁。
- He storied about his academic career and his professional career. 他编造了他的学历经历。
- That's because war-fighting is your professional career. 那是因为打仗是你们的职业。
- Join Us and Embark on an Exciting Professional Career. 加入我们,踏上事业康庄大道。
- One began his professional career in France, the other in the USBL. 一个是从法国开始他的职业生涯,另一个则是从USBL。
- Fabulous deals on professional career search services! 玄打入职业生涯搜索服务!
- Right proportion of fixed income and fluctuate income and attractive career program inspirits everyone. 用合理的固定工资收入和变动工资收入比例以及富有吸引力的职业生涯规划解决了人员的激励问题。
- professional career programming 职业生涯规划
- So, by adding a TANK professional career on the team lineup now what? 那么,加入一个TANK职业会对现在的团队职业阵容有什么影响?
- The goal of this career program - Personal Care Attendants, is to help individuals master the required personal and occupational qualities needed to care for peo... 这个职业生涯计划的目标-个人护理服务员,是帮助个人掌握所需的个人和职业需要照顾住在家里的人,在长期的医疗设施素质。
- Attorneys who are members of law firms are better able to combine public office with a professional career. 在律师事务所做事的律师,善于把公职与自己的事业配合起来。
- You have the option of going to graduate scho -ol or starting your professional career. 你有读研究生或开始职业生涯的两种选择
- PT Magazine - professional issues magazine that helps to promote physical therapy as a vital professional career. 专业医学杂志,目的是使保健疗法成为一种重要的职业。
- Woman who is more interested in a professional career than in eg getting married and having children. (视事业重于结婚生子等的)职业妇女。
- Patrick Ewing had been the NBA's top choice in the draft of 1985,and now he Was pledging the rest of his professional career to the New York Knicks. 帕特里克.;尤因是1985年NBA招募人材的首选;现在他准备将自己职业生涯的余生奉献给纽约尼克斯队。
- PT Magazine- professional issues magazine that helps to promote physical therapy as a vital professional career. 专业医学杂志,目的是使保健疗法成为一种重要的职业。
- I believe I can make tamped foundation for the future career programming during the master study after such temper. 我相信通过这样的锻炼,我会在硕士学习期间为将来的事业规划打下夯实的基础。
- Everything else in your professional career is but a corollary to this vital dedication. 你们职业生涯中的一切其他事情,都只是为了实现这个极其重要的目标。