- profit from sales of products 产品销售利润
- Profits from sales of the original dolls will be donated to charity. 至于原来已经出售的娃娃所得利润将捐给慈善公益事业。
- A licensee can profit from the sale of the software. 被许可方可以通过销售软件获利。
- profit from sale of fixed assets [经] 固定资产出售利益
- Revenue derived from sales of corporate assets. 从出卖公司资产所得到的收入。
- Polyester net sales of products advisory services. 聚酯网产品的咨询销售服务。
- Newspapers earn most of their money from sales of advertising. 报纸赚钱的大部分来自于广告的销售。
- A company official said three percent of profits from sales of the snack would go to help pay for medical care of Palestinians wounded in the uprising that broke out more than a year and a half ago. 这家食品公司的一位主管称,这种产品利润的3%25将用于支付巴勒斯坦医疗机构的医疗费用,帮助他们向在一年半前爆发的日益升级的巴以冲突中受伤的巴勒斯坦人民提供医疗救助。
- A company official said three percent of profits from sales of the snack would go to help pay for medical care of Palestinians wounded in the uprising that broke out more than a year and a half ago. 这家食品公司的一位主管称,这种产品利润的3%25将用于支付巴勒斯坦医疗机构的医疗费用,帮助他们向在一年半前爆发的日益升级的巴以冲突中受伤的巴勒斯坦人民提供医疗救助。
- Now, let's say you want to see the sales of products by each year. 现在,假定您需要按年份查看产品的销售情况。
- Shandong Qingzhou Delong dredging machinery factory machinery is Jicai sand, river dredging the pond, Salt Lake mining, iron-Shatti from sales of production equipment manufacturers. 我公司是集采沙机械、河道池塘清淤、盐湖开采、铁沙提取设备的生产销售厂家。
- But if sales go as well as they should, that's still well within our profit margin. Proceeds from sales of the first order will easily cover the cost of the second order. 不过假如销售状况有应有的表现,那就仍在我们的获利范围之内。第一批定单的营收将会很容易就抵过第二批定单的成本。
- We gained a lot of profit from your advice. 我们从你的建议中获益匪浅。
- We profit from the work of the specialist. 我们从专家的工作中得到益处。
- Revenue centers specialize in the sale of products or services. 收入中心专门销售产品或提供服务。
- She salted away most of the profit from the business. 她把做生意赚的利润大部分都私自蓄存起来了。
- I don't know what the market is for Yao -Rocket related merchandise, but does a profit from sales come back directly to Les Alexander and the Rockets organization? 对于与火箭姚明相关商品,我不知道是什么样的市场行情,但销售的利润,完全归于亚历山大和火箭团队?
- Should proceeds from sale of fixed assets be included in total gross income? 出售固定资产所得的收入,是否应包括在总入息内?
- Google earns most of its money from sales of advertising on its search engine. 谷歌主要的盈利来自于其搜索引擎上广告的销售收入。
- Joplin earned money from sales of this song for the rest of his life. 从此,乔普林始终靠销售此歌赚钱。