- He had extensive and profound knowledge. 他的学问博大精深。
- Profound knowledge is accumulated little by little. 渊博的知识是一点点积累起来的。
- He has a profound knowledge of mathematics. 他数学知识渊博。
- Profound knowledge needs to accumulate day by day. 渊博的知识是一点点积累起来的。
- Profound knowledge is cumulated bit by bit. 渊博的知识是一点点积累起来的。
- We need profound knowledge to solve problems. 解决问题要渊博的知识。
- By that time he already possessed a profound knowledge of Marxism. 到这时,他对马克思主义己经有了深刻了解。
- Profound knowledge is accumulated little and little. 渊博的知识是一点点积累起来的。
- A broad and profound knowledge is accumulated by time. 渊博的知识是一点点积累起来的。
- Profound knowledge are accumulated litter by litter. 渊博的知识是一点点积累起来的。
- Their profound knowledge and affable attitude won the respect of the students. 他们的提问都得到了沈博士和林先生现场耐心而详细的回答,他们渊博的知识,和蔼可亲的态度让同学们肃然起敬,报以热烈的掌声。
- If you want to acquire profound knowledge,you must start from the ABC. 要想造就高深的学问,就得从字母学起。
- His brilliant speech, jocular talk and profound knowledge won our enthusiastic applause. 他精彩的演讲,诙谐的语言,渊博的知识,赢得了同学们阵阵热烈的掌声。
- Wardega, a Polish scholar, possesses profound knowledge and is a meticulous thinker. 万德化先生是一位法国学者,学识丰富,思想缜密。
- With your profound knowledge and experience in the medical field,I'm sure that you will help our hospital tremendously. 由于您在医疗方面学识渊博,经验丰富,对我院一定大有帮助。
- A truly-education person must have three qualities: Profound knowledge, habits of thinking and noble sentiment. 一个真正有教养的人,必须具备三个品质:渊博的知识、思维的习惯和高尚的情操。
- Don't deck yourself up with fine clothes, but enrich your mind with profound knowledge. 不要用衣服装饰躯壳,而要用智慧丰富头脑。
- He commanded profound knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, Confucian classics, calendar calculation, geography, local gazetteer, phonology and exegesis. 对天文、数学、经学、历算、地理、方志、音韵、训诂均有精深研究,为乾嘉时代皖派考据大师。
- I have found that some of the greatest and most profound knowledge can be found in the most unobvious places. 在最不起眼的地方,我总能发觉一些最伟大、最深奥的知识。
- An outstanding tourguide with the quality must have not only the good manner, but also the profound knowledge. 一个优秀的导游所具有的素质不仅要有良好的态度;还要有渊博的知识.