- program counter tracking 程序计数器跟踪
- Also the program counter keeps track of which command is to be executed by the microcontroller. 程序计数器也通过微控制器掌握要执行哪条命令。
- The program counter holds the address of the instruction being executed. 这个程序计数器正在执行的指令的地址。
- This counter tracks the total number of events raised. 此计数器跟踪引发的事件的总数。
- The operating system preserves the state of the CPU by storing registers and the program counter. 操作系统通过存储寄存器和程序计数器而保留了CPU的状态。
- If an appropriate catch block is found, the program counter is reset to the first line of code in that block. 如果找到了适当的catch块,程序计数器会重置到那一块代码的第一行。
- If we load this known address, as data, into the program counter, we execute a jump instruction. 如果我们将已知的地址依数据加载到程序计数器中,就可以执行一条转移指令。
- Setting the next statement causes the program counter to jump directly to the new location. 设置下一条语句将导致程序计数器直接跳到新位置。
- This program memory addressing logic is handled by a register referred to as a program counter. 程序存储器的导址逻辑是由寄存器来实现的,这个寄存器叫程序计数器。
- Method has been called, we want to save the value of the program counter, as shown in Listing 7. 方法后,我们要保存程序计数器的值,如清单7所示。
- The Program Counter (PC) holds the address of the memory location containing the next instruction to be executed. 程序计数器(PC)保持着装有下一条被执行的指令的记忆体空间的地址。
- The cores use the same PC (Program Counter) register to avoid fetching instructions repeatedly and obliviously. 采用公共PC寄存器方案,实现了双核取指上的同步性,避免了两个核心重复取指或者取指的遗漏;
- DEF_PC_VAL is the default program counter value that should be set after the debugger connects to the monitor software. VAL是默认程序计数器的值应设置后,调试器连接到监控软件。
- A register in the processor that contains the address of the next instruction to be executed. Also known as a program counter. 包含下一条要执行指令地址的处理器中的寄存器。也叫程序计数器。
- This counter tracks all types of requests that are handled by the report server. 此计数器可跟踪报表服务器处理的所有类型请求。
- This counter tracks the pinned objects only in the heaps that are garbage collected. 此计数器只跟踪被进行垃圾回收的堆中的钉住的对象。
- In which case, breaking the emulator and examining the program counter will give you a good indication of which assertion failed. 在这种情况下,打破了模拟器和审查程序计数器会给你一个很好的迹象,其中断言失败。
- General registers R0 through R12, the program counter(PC), and the Current Processor Status Register (CPSR) are shared among, and accessible from, all processor state views. 通用寄存器R0通过R12,程序计数器和程序状态寄存器来共享或使用处理器状态视图。
- A coroutine call instruction. The instruction pops the top of stack into temporary register, pushes program counter onto the stack, and then puts the saved top of stack in the program counter. 一种协同程序访问指令,该指令把栈顶弹入临时寄存器,把程序计数器推入栈内,然后把保存的栈顶内容存入到程序计数器内。
- The MCU is composed of 8 bit instruction register,12 bit program counter,12 bit address selector,ALU that can carry out 16 bit addition,16 bit accumulator,a data selector that output is 8 bit from 16 bit input,8 bit data selector and a state machine. 该微控制器包含8个模块:8位指令存储器、12位程序计数器、12位地址选择器、可进行16位加法的算术运算器、16位累加器、16选8的数据选择器、8位数据控制器以及状态机。