- programming lesson teaching 程序设计教学
- After this time, the tutor should be paid his fee in cash after each lesson,teaching fee not less than 150RMB/HOUR. 您支付外籍教员课时费用的方式为每次授课完毕现金支付,费用每小时不低于150元。
- Through rein in to race-entry works Friedrich Burgnlueller's Piano essay" Innocent and Artless" and" Farewell" making piano lesson teaching. 通过对参赛作品布格缪勒钢琴小品《天真烂漫》和《再会》教学的制作实践,对高师钢琴课教学进行了有益的探索。
- Piano lessons teach children to persevere. 钢琴课教小朋友持之以恒。
- What does this lesson teach us about God? About the importance of prayer and the way we pray? 这课教导我们上帝是位怎样的神?祷告的重要性和祷告的方式?
- Title: Experimental Research on Training Theory and Practical Lesson Teaching Strategy of Institutes (Departments) of P.E. 关键词:体育院(系);训练理论与实践课;实践能力;创新意识;教学策略
- Taking Visual Basic 6.0 as major development,synthetically applying multimedia technology,such as text,graph,animation and voice,we develop the CAI software of programming lesson based on Web. 以VisualBasic6.;0为主要开发工具;综合应用文字、图形、动画、声音等多媒体技术;研究开发了基于Web的程序设计类课件。
- It is partial of 3th , ideological morals lesson teaching in the role for that high schooler improves personality training. 第三部分,论述思想品德课教学在对中学生健全人格培养的主渠道作用。
- This text participates in making analysis to middle school student"s subject of political lesson teaching of high school from the theory and practice separately. 本文分别从理论和实践层面对高中思想政治课教学中实施主体参与型教学作出分析。
- The world economic gloablization and the multipolarization, the domestic and foreign new situations set the new request to the thought political lesson teaching. 世界经济全球化和政治多极化,国内外的新形势对思想政治课教学提出了新要求。
- This lesson taught him by his students brought Wang to a crossroad in his life. 学生们的这种表现使他深有感触,他来到了人生的十字路口。
- Daily lessons teach the girls how to sing and dance and how to smile sweetly. 每天课程内容包括教会这些女孩怎么样唱歌和跳舞,还包括怎么样笑得更甜。
- This is a bitter lesson taught by the bloodshed resulting from the law of the jungle in different parts of the world. 这是世界各地弱肉强食的流血事件留给我们的教训。
- A lesson taught by experience; a carpenter with experience in wall and roof repair. 由经验得出的教训;对修理墙壁和屋顶有经验的木匠。
- The lesson taught by the crash and the Great Depression was that the glorious dream of a self-regulating economy, free of government intervention and supervision, was moonshine. 股市大崩溃与经济大萧条给予的教训是,免于政府干预与监督的自动调节经济的美好梦想是不切实际的空谈。
- This painful lesson taught me to constantly remind myself to act like a cultivator, not to handle things in a casual way. 这个惨痛的教训警醒我时刻都要以修炼人的标准要求自己,来不得半点的马虎。
- As children grow, piano lessons teach kids to try and then try again if they don't initially succeed. 作为孩子成长,钢琴课教孩子,然后再尝试尝试若不初步成功。
- Good for Chinese Lesson Teaching with Multi -media 利用多媒体优化语文课堂教学
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- In computer programming, a jump instruction. 计算机程序设计中的一种跳转指令。建议使用jump。