- prohibited import articles 禁止进口货物
- All the articles within the extension of the prohibited importation. (一)列入禁止进境范围的所有物品;
- I've starred the important articles to read. 我已把该读的重要文章都打上了星号。
- I have starred the important articles to read . 我已把该读的重要文章都打上了星号。
- A black market in import article of clothing. 进口服装商品的黑市。
- This modification expanded the scope of patentees' right, namely the new content of "the right to prohibit import" and "the effect of patented processes is extended to products directly obtained by patented processes". 这一修改扩大了专利权人的权利范围,即增加了“禁止进口权”和“专利方法的效力及于依照该专利方法直接获得的产品”的新内容。
- Development of flower and plant technology, flower and plant exhibition and marketing, property manageme self-owned property rent, flower and plant growing, engent in and of which the state limit or prohibit import and export. 花卉技术开发及花卉展销,园林绿化工程;销售:农业生产资料,商品信息中介服务;物业管理,自有物业出租;花卉种植;代理各类商品及技术的进出口,但国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品及技术除外。
- The approximate area of Foochow’s hinterland is shown by the analysis of selling places of the import articles and source places of the export articles. 通过进口商品销售地和出口商品来源地的分析以明了福州港的大致腹地范围。
- He went over the important article. 他把那篇重要文章仔细再读一遍。
- India prohibited imports of Chinese milk and milk products last September and the ban now has been extended, Commerce Minister Anand Sharma said. 印度商务部长沙玛说,印度去年9月禁止了中国的牛奶及奶制品进口,现扩大该禁令范围。
- For long and important articles, for example, a feature story, the editor will tell me how I should develop the story. 对于重要的长篇文章,例如一个特别报导,编辑会告诉我该如何阐述。
- His deep study of Northeast China, Northwest history in China published a number of important articles. 他深研中国东北、西北民族的历史,在国内重要刊物上发表许多文章。
- Tariff rate and customs value applied on the day when the customs issues the payment of duties is applicable to imported articles. 第六十二条进境物品,适用海关填发税款缴款书之日实施的税率和完税价格。
- References to important articles, books, and dissertations are not merely by giving simple titles, but also include the table of contents and abstracts. 重要的文章、书籍和论文不祇有标题而已,文贝网提供了其内容目录及大纲。
- The import of raw meat is strictly prohibited. 生肉类是严禁进口的。
- Disqualify pharmaceutical is prohibit to is import. 不合格的药品禁止进口。
- They prohibited him from going there. 他们禁止他去那里。
- Smoking is prohibited in the office building. 办公楼内禁止抽烟。
- Our factory makes celluloid articles. 我们厂制造赛璐路制品。
- Sealing is prohibited in many countries. 许多国家禁止捕海豹。