- The house is in a prominent position on the village green. 这间屋子在村子的中心草地上,处于引人注目的位置。
- The house is in a prominent position on the village meadow. 那房子坐落在村中草地最显眼的地方。
- The story was given a prominent position on the front page. 这则报道刊登在头版的显著位置。
- Mr. Cook holds a prominent position in the city government. 库克先生在市政府担任很重要的职位。
- Although he is in a prominent position, he cares for the people at all times. 他虽身居高位,但一直心系百姓。
- ZuoQuan blossom in shanxi folk songs adjustable occupies very prominent position. 左权民歌开花调在山西民歌中占有非常突出的位置。
- Rodin's thinking of the copies in the Museum galleries architecture of the most prominent position welcome every guest. 罗丹的思想者的复制品在本馆柱廊式建筑最显眼的位置欢迎每一位客人。
- As a joint venture, our corporation has won a prominent position in the fields of home electronics, computers and telecommunications in China. 作为合资企业,我们公司的家用电器,电脑,电子通讯产品在中国都处于领先地位。
- To this end, the construction rules for Chitty, I always dealt with the cases work in a prominent position, firmly performed. 为此,到建设纪工委任书记后,我始终把查处违法违纪案件工作放在突出位置,紧紧抓住不放。
- The reform achievement also occupies the prominent position in the whole British history and gives the profound impress to historian. 改革所取得的成就在整个英国历史上也始终占据着显著的地位,并为后来其他学者对这一时期英国历史的研究产生了深远的影响。
- Miloon Canton stationery gift box Co., Ltd., located in Huadu District, Guangzhou, China Su-called capital goods Shiling Town prominent position. 广州米隆文具礼品盒有限公司,座落于广州市花都区素称中国皮具之都的狮岭镇显要位置。
- America may not quite lead the world in gun murders (South Africa probably holds that dubious title) but it has a dismally prominent position. 在这个方面美国虽然还没同样雄居世界首位(南非更可能获此头衔),不过也令人郁闷的取得了“卓越”的位置。
- Bennigsen, ignorant of this project, moved the troops into a prominent position without saying anything about this change to the commander-in-chief. 贝尼格森不知道这一点,不向总司令报告,便自作主张把军队调到前面去。
- Along with IT products upgrading and information technology needs increasing, data center power consumption has been in a prominent position. 中文摘要:伴随IT产品升级和信息化需求的加巨,数据中心的能耗问题已摆在突出的位置上。
- Since English seems likely to occupy an increasingly prominent position in international communication, it is worth discussing the outstanding features of the language. 因为英语在国际交流方面似乎可能占据一个正在增长的突出地位,讨论它的突出特点是值得的。
- HAINING XINSHIXIN TEXTILE CO., LTD.Situate in the center of YANGSTE delta, closely to the scenic HANGZHOU, faced to the east with flourishing SHANGHAI, has the prominent position. 位于中国长三角中心区域的海宁市新时新织造有限公司,与风景秀丽的杭州唇齿相依,与繁荣发达的上海东西相望,区域优势显现;
- Especially when research on the mosques of Lanzhou,it be inclined to consider the Lanzhou is a key city that has the prominent position in the mosque educational system. 特别是在研究兰州清真寺时,倾向于认为兰州是经堂教育制度化中的一个具有举足轻重地位的关键城市。
- As a navigation equipment of ship , the electric-compass is one of the essential equipments of the voyage navigates, so it has a prominent position in the voyage. 船舶电罗经作为船舶的导航设备,是航海导航的必不可少的设备之一,在航行安全中具有举足轻重的地位。
- Consistently placing weaponry construction in a prominent position, the Chinese armed forces strive to modernize military equipment and enhance their operational capability for self-defense. 中国军队始终把武器装备建设放在突出地位,努力实现武器装备的现代化,提高军队防卫作战能力。
- In the most prominent position. 居于最突出位置