- We are doing a special promotion of our paperback list. 我们正在搞推销平装书的特别宣传活动。
- We are in great need of Grade A. 我们急需一等品。
- We do a special promotion of our paperback list. 我们正在搞推销平装书的特别宣传活动。
- Julia is a student of Grade Four. 朱莉娅是四年级的学生。
- The promotion of Russell instead of Sarah really made the sparks fly. 因为提升了拉塞尔没提升萨拉,这件事竟惹起了轩然大波。
- The promotion of russell instead of sarah really make the spark fly. 因为提升了拉塞尔没提升萨拉,这件事竟惹起了轩然大波。
- The shoes hoe of grade to automatically adjusted. 鞋前帮的级别可自动调节。
- Standard of grade estimation for product quality o. 内河钢质船舶出厂质量评级标准。
- Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care Ltd. 善终服务会有限公司
- We are doing a special promotion of Chilean wines. 我们正在进行智利葡萄酒特别促销活动。
- Exhibition and promotion of Thai specials. 展销泰国系列菜。
- Begin promotion of the RI Convention. 开始推广国际年会。
- Promotion of essential and natural bacterial flora. 推广必不可少的自然菌群.
- Promotion of new regional poles. 扶持新的区域增长极。
- Good humor is a promoter of friendship. 良好的幽默感能促进友谊。
- Design of Grade Separation Bridge Overcrossing Xingang Road No. 跨新港四号路立交桥设计。
- Assist in the promotion of continence. 协助促进节制。
- Universal Standard of Grade of American Upland Cotton. 已为世界公认的棉花分级标准。
- DJ's enthusiasm for promotion of forum never dies . DJ对论坛推广的热情永远不会消失.
- The book is too difficult for students of Grade One. 这本书对于一年级学生太难。