- Delphi was used to ensure the proportion of all kinds of ingredients that affect the analysis of public participation. 通过特尔斐法赋予各因素以权重值,以此排除多方面的影响与干扰,最大程度地体现公众的思想。
- In addition, alcohol is a kind of good menstruum (solvent), which may distill (extract) a higher proportion of ingredients from medical material. 当然,这时人类虽然从饮酒得到了养生的好处,但他们可能并没有明确的养生目的。
- There is a list of ingredients on the side of the packet. 包装袋的边上印有所含配料表。
- The list of ingredients sounds very appetizing. 这张单子上列的配料听起来使人馋涎欲滴.
- A large proportion of my time is spent in studying. 我的大部分时间花在学习上。
- A prescription of ingredients in fixed proportion; a recipe. 配方,处方按一定比例将各种成分配制成药剂的方法;处方
- Proportions of infection are the following in turn: UU, UH+MH, MH. 女性生殖道支原体感染以UU为主,UU+MH次之,单纯MH感染较少;
- proportions of ingredients 混合比
- Check the list of ingredients on the side of the package. 请检查包装盒侧面的成分清单。
- A small proportion of the streets were sewered. 一小部分街道铺有下水道。
- The list of ingredients included 500g of sugar and 200ml of cream. 配料单上列出的成份包括500克糖和200毫升的奶油。
- Thinner wall prevents overheating of ingredients in the soup. 较薄的锅壁预防汤中材料过度受热。
- A large proportion of the best citizen hate his despotism. 一大部分最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。
- A mixture in proper proportions of two or more ingredients, as of concrete or a food product, marketed for convenience; a premix. 预拌品;半成品食物将两种或两种以上成份按适当比例调制好了的混合品,如预拌混凝土或食物,为了方便的目的而销售预制混合品
- A mixture in proper proportions of two or more ingredients,as of concrete or a food product,marketed for convenience;a premix. 预拌品;半成品食物将两种或两种以上成份按适当比例调制好了的混合品,如预拌混凝土或食物,为了方便的目的而销售预制混合品
- A large proportion of the families round here own bicycles. 这一带相当大一部分家庭都有自行车。
- Based on analyzing the process of kelp, raw material treatmentthe proportion of ingredient and the adding of other seasoning, effects on the products qualities were also discussed were also discussed. 并从原材料处理方法、原料配比、调味料配比等方面对成品品质的影响进行了研究。
- Based on analyzing the process of kelp,raw material treatmentthe proportion of ingredient and the adding of other seasoning,effects on the products' qualities were also discussed were also discussed. 并从原材料处理方法、原料配比、调味料配比等方面对成品品质的影响进行了研究。
- Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay, sand and silt. 壤土是由大约等份的黏土、沙和粉砂合成的。
- The proportions of Titanic were greater than those of any ship built before. 泰坦尼克号的体积比从前所造的任何船只都大。