- propositional coding theory 命题编码说
- In coding theory, it is important to study a code and the structure of codewords. 研究码及码字的结构是编码理论的一个重要研究方向。
- Dual Coding Theory; reading process; mental imagery; affective responses; language concreteness. 01双重代码理论;阅读过程;意象;情感反应;语言的具体性
- KWM involves dual coding theory, depth of processing theory and spreading activation model from the perspective of cognitive psychology. 从认知心理学的角度分析,它涉及到双重编码理论、加工水平说和激活扩散模型。
- There are many excellent texts on coding theory and communications, most of which assume a familiarity with mathematics beyond introductory calculus. 在信息和通信方面有很多很好的教科书,大多数都要求具有除简单微积分外的数学知识。
- In this paper, the coding theory of DBCS (double-byte character set) was presented, and a algorithm of creating Bopomofo code by Unicode character was offered here. 本文介绍了DBCS(双字节字符集)系统的字符编码原理,并提供了由Unicode汉字字符自动生成其拼音代码的一种方法。
- Vanstone has published more than 250 research papers and a number of books on topics such as cryptography, coding theory, finite fields, finite geometry, and combinatorial designs. Vanstone已发表超过250篇研究论文及多部著作,主题包括加密技术、编码原理、有限域、有限几何和组合设计等。
- Region Of Interest (ROI) coding is one of the innovative functionalities supported by JPEG2000.In this paper, we give a promethean coding method based on the embedded coding theory: a ROI image coding algorithm based on SPIHT. 感兴趣区域ROI(Region of Interest)编码是正在制订的静止图像压缩国际新标准JPEG2000支持的一种创新方法。
- In abstract algebra, a finite field or Galois field (so named in honor of Evariste Galois) is a field that contains only finitely many elements. Finite fields are important in cryptography and coding theory. 只有有限个元素的域称为有限域,或Galois域,它在方程式实验设计和编码理论等方面有很广泛的应用。
- Using error-control coding theory, we parallel the functionality of the translation of mRNA into amino acids to the decoding of noisy parity streams that have been encoded using a convolutional code. 现代企业的所有权与管理权已经分离,管理企业的经理人极大化个人效用而非拥有企业的股东效用因此发生代理问题,产生代理成本,企业成本未达极小化。
- Then the propertis of Symmetric Codes are given out.From the Symmetric Code theory, our Genetic Algorithm with Symmetric Codes(GASC) is proposed. 在这一算法中,提出和引入了对称编码、优良成员保护、希望型成员移民和部分基因保留等特殊技术。
- Reward coding theories predict that dopamine neurons will be inhibited by or will not respond to aversive stimuli. 奖赏译码理论预测多巴胺神能经元对于令人厌恶的刺激会被抑制或者不反应。
- Shannon clarified the noised channel code theory in the thesis "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" , which is the foundation of error-correcting codes. 1948年,香农[2]在他的论文“通信的数学理论”中,首次阐明了在有扰信道中实现可靠通信的方法,提出了著名的有扰信道编码定理,奠定了纠错码的基石。
- Channel Coding Theory and Technologe 信道编码理论与技术
- Introduction to cryptography with coding theory 密码导论及编码原理
- Coding Theory and Its Application 编码理论及其应用
- Sorry. I must have got the wrong area code. 对不起,我一定是拔错地区号码了。
- The highway code is not itself part of English law. 公路法规本身并非是英国法的一部分。
- The Highway Code has been carried. 公路法规已经被执行。
- Number Guessing Games and Coding Theory 猜数游戏与编码理论