- That would be the end of prosperity and stability for Hong Kong. 香港的繁荣和稳定也会吹的。
- However, economic development and social cohesion will remain our two pillars for prosperity and stability. 不过,经济发展与社会凝聚力,始终是维持国家繁荣与稳定的两大支柱,而文化事业的推动,正是凝聚社会的重要元素之一。
- The continued prosperity and stability of Hong Kong will contribute to the modernisation of China which in turn will benefit Hong Kong. 香港继续繁荣安定,有利于中国现代化,香港亦会因而受惠。
- First,major fluctuations or setbacks must be avoided,and the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong must be maintained. 在过渡时期中,一是不要出现大的波动、大的曲折,保持香港繁荣和稳定。
- However,economic development and social cohesion will remain our two pillars for prosperity and stability. 不过,经济发展与社会凝聚力,始终是维持国家繁荣与稳定的两大支柱。
- They have made important contributions to the prosperity and stability of Macau. 它们为澳门的繁荣稳定作出了重要的贡献。
- The question is whether it is good or bad for the interests of the people of Hong Kong and for prosperity and stability there. 要看这些干预是有利于香港人的利益,有利于香港的繁荣和稳定,还是损害香港人的利益,损害香港的繁荣和稳定。
- The common goal of our community is to achieve long-term prosperity and stability. 实现香港的长期繁荣和稳定,是广大市民的共同心愿。
- Our people support democracy, but they long for prosperity and stability at the same time. 市民是支持民主的,但同时也向往经济繁荣及社会稳定。
- The only road to enduring prosperity and stability is though open markets and open trade. 持续繁荣和稳定的唯一道路是打开市场和开放贸易。”
- The only road to enjoy class enduring prosperity and stability is though open markets and open trade. 保持持续繁荣和稳定的唯一的方法是开放的市场和开放的贸易。
- The only road to enduring prosperity and stability is through open markets and open trade. 通往持久繁荣和稳定的唯一之路是畅开市场和贸易之门”。
- China will strive to achieve these goals,as they not only concern the development of itself but also the prosperity and stability of Asia as a whole. 中国必须做到这些,因为这不但关系着中国的发展,也关系着亚洲的繁荣和稳定。
- To maintain our prosperity and stability,we must uphold the rule of law and strengthen the mechanism for safeguarding our public order. 要保持香港繁荣和安定,我们必须维护法纪,加强保障社会治安的机制。
- The Chinese mainland shall strengthen economic and trade ties with Hong Kong and Macao to help maintain long-term prosperity and stability there. 加强内地同香港和澳门的经济贸易关系,保持香港和澳门的长期繁荣稳定。
- The package also helps to maintain prosperity and stability by ensuring that our political system can continue to develop in a sustainable manner. 同时,建议方案也有利于维护香港的繁荣和稳定,并且确保了香港的政治体制能够持续不断发展。
- What we have relied upon for past success is no longer a sufficient guarantee for our long-term prosperity and stability. 香港以往赖以成功的因素,并非就能够保证我们长远的繁荣稳定。
- The autonomy, especially the independent judicial power, is a fundamental guarantee to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. 这些自治权,特别是独立的司法权,对香港的繁荣和稳定是基本的制度保证。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- First, major fluctuations or setbacks must be avoided, and the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong must be maintained. 在过渡时期中,一是不要出现大的波动、大的曲折,保持香港繁荣和稳定;