- SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. SPF是防晒系数。
- This non-chemical sun protection factor SPF 30. 本品非化学防晒系数SPF达到30级。
- Is SPF Sun Protection Factor only applicable to sunscreen lotions? 防晒系数SPF是否只用于形容太阳油?
- You definitely won't get a sunburn because this suntan lotion is SPF( sun protection factor)30. 你绝对不会被晒伤的,因为这个防晒油的防晒系数是三十。
- The ability of a sunscreen to protect the user from UVB is defined as its Sun Protection Factor (SPF). 衡量防晒油保护使用者免受UVB伤害能力大小的指标称为防光指数(SPF)。
- Use a sunscreen lotion with a Sun Protection Factor of 15 or above. Apply liberally and reapply after swimming or sweating. 涂上防晒系数15或以上的太阳油,并在出汗或泳后再涂上。
- What kind of hat should we choose to protect ourselves from UV? When buying a sunscreen lotion, what should we look for apart from SPF Sun Protection Factor? 购买太阳油的时候,除了注意它的防晒系数Sun Protection Factor,SPF值外,还须注意甚么?
- Often this simply enables a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) to dry clear and disappear into the skin rather than forming a white paste that takes all day to rub in. 通常这会增加防晒霜遮阳剂的防晒指数(SPF),使防晒霜更易干,可以融入皮肤,而不是在皮肤上糊一层白,要一天时间才能吸收。
- The paper provides easy-to-understand daily life indexes such as the ultraviolet ray index, morning exercise index, sun protection factor index, carwash and heat stroke indexes. 该报纸提供了一些诸如紫外线指数、晨练指数、防晒指数、洗车指数以及中暑指数等简单易懂的每日生活指数提示。
- In addition, protect factor as cardiac, common the vitamin C in green leaf dish and folic acid, very rich also in maize fruit. 此外,作为心脏的保护因子,常见于绿色叶菜中的维生素C和叶酸,在黄色水果里也很丰富。
- Sun Protection Factor gives an indication of the effectiveness of the sunscreen lotions on protecting the skin from sunburn. 防晒系数显示太阳油对防止皮肤被晒伤的有效程度。
- The use of temporary arterial clip was an independent protective factor(OR=2.244,P=0.008). 临时阻断夹的应用是独立的保护因素(OR=2.;244;P=0
- The model of perm damaged hair was established, and the protection effects of two conditioners( Protective factor C and Keratin) were compared using the model. 并以此模型,研究了两种护发成分(发因子C和角蛋白)烫发后头发的修护作用。
- Indicators contain UV ray transmittance, screening ratio, protective factor, penetration and reflectance. 其评价指标则有紫外线透射比、遮挡率、防护因数、穿透率和反射率等。
- Results: Using Chinese herb was a protective factor to CAZ and CIP, but not to IPM. 结果:中草药的使用是铜绿假单胞菌耐CAZ、CIP的共同影响因素,而对耐IPM无影响。
- The model of perm damaged hair was established,and the protection effects of two conditioners(Protective factor C and Keratin)were compared using the model. 并以此模型,研究了两种护发成分(护发因子C和角蛋白)对烫发后头发的修护作用。
- Recent studies suggest Helicobacter pylori infection is a protective factor for gastro-esophagus regurgitation disease and esophagus cancer. 但近年来也有研究指出幽门螺旋杆菌对食道逆流症及食道癌这二种疾病有保护作用;
- She subscribes to an animal protection society. 她捐款给一个动物保护协会。
- We subscribe to an animal protection society. 我们定期捐款给一个动物保护基金会。
- The two major theories on the origin of cancer both implicate GSH as a putative protective factor owing to its dual function as antioxidant and detoxifying agent. 有关癌症发生原因的两个主要理论都因谷胱甘肽所具抗氧化剂与解毒剂双重机能,而推定谷胱甘肽应有保护预防的功能。