- There is a great chance of success for sb. 某人大有取得成功的机会。
- Be instrumental in doing sth for sb. 为某人干某事出力。
- In the mood for sth. Keep an eye on for sb. 为某人留意着留意,为某人照看着保持健康。
- Have a motherly affection for sb. 对某人怀有母亲般的慈爱。
- Have the great love and esteem for sb. 非常爱戴某人。
- Determine to do something for sb. 决定未某人做某事。
- Work protection for special type of work. 特别工种劳动保护。
- Protection for well-known marks is also available. 驰名商标也同样受到保护。
- Make it [a place, things] warm for sb. 使某人处境为难;惩罚某人
- Have a soft corner in one's heart for sb. 倾心于某人,特别喜爱某人。
- When does the protection for my children begin? 保障何时生效?
- Have a soft place in one's heart for sb. 对某人有爱情,对某人有好感。
- Have you set up the right protection for your crop? 你有没有采取正确的措施保护你的作物?
- Have a warm corner in one's heart for sb. 倾心于某人,特别喜爱某人。
- PASSWORD=test [ password protection for the server. 密码=测试[密码保护服务器。
- Protection for domestic industry is admittedly discriminatory. 保护本国工业是种名正言顺的歧视。
- Serve sb. right: infml.To be a suitable punishment for sb. 知道他们真正意识到他们的厕所有足够的空间,这是他们所要存积的地方。
- Now provides security protection for vulnerable pointer parameters. 现在可对容易受到攻击的指针参数提供安全保护。现在
- Lightning protection for wind turbine systems TS Ed. 风力发电机组防雷。
- A whole-life policy gives you protection for you life time. 终生险保一生。