- Two relation models between the drill footage and proved reserves are introduced: Gompertz model and Exponential model. 摘要为估算油气探明储量,介绍了探井进尺和探明储量间的2种统计模型:龚帕兹模型和指数模型。
- New method of recovery cali bration on newly-found proved reserves in Shengli petroliferous province. 胜利油区新增探明储量标定采收率的新方法
- The prediction of incremental proved reserves is important for decision making in petroleum exploration. 探明储量增长预测是石油勘探决策的一项重要内容。
- Saudi Aramco's proved reserves alone could keep the world supplied for several decades. 仅仅是埃克森美已公布的石油储量就足够让全世界用上几十年。
- The proved reserves in Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Upper Palaeozoic, Lower Palaeozoic, Proterozoic respectively are 38%, 17%, 30%, 13% and 2% in total. 新生界、中生界、上古生界、下古生界和元古界分别占总探明地质储量的 38%25、17%25、30%25、13%25和 2%25。
- Carboniferous of coal, only a majority of the survey is not high degree of exploration, a total of proved reserves 117 million tons. 对石炭系煤,大部分只作了普查工作,勘探程度不高,累计探明储量为117亿吨。
- Recent years, we have found and developed many unconsolidated sand gas reservoirs.The proved reserves and the produced reserves are very considerable. 近年来,发现并投入开发了很多砂岩气藏,其探明储量和已动用储量都是很可观的。
- These companies are certainly sitting on a reassuring amount of oil.Saudi Aramco's proved reserves alone could keep the world supplied for several decades. 这些公司的储备足可以证明一切顾虑都是杞人忧天,单是沙特石油公司一家的储备就可以保证整个世界踏踏实实的用上几十年。
- Because of the special petroleum geology conditions in China, presently proved reserves were mainly found in Mesozoic Cenozoic strata in the eastern region and were mainly in structural pools. 特定的石油地质条件和勘探阶段导致目前的探明储量,层位上以中、新生界为主,区域上以东中部区为主,类型上以构造油气藏为主。
- Mineral resources: It is now found that all types of mineral 125 kinds, and proved reserves of ores 105 kinds of hydroenergy: hydropower reserves theory ranked fifth in the provinces. 矿产资源:现已发现各类矿产125种,探明储量的矿种105种、水能:水能理论蕴藏量全国省区中名列第五。
- The proven reserves are obtained based on the continuous summarization and deepened understanding of geologic rule. 探明储量是在不断总结和深化地质规律认识的基础上获得的。
- Oil rigs and gas flares punctuate the horizon: his oil, 3.2 billion barrels in proven reserves. 钻油塔和气火炬点缀在地平线上:那是他的石油,已探明储量为32亿桶。
- At present, there are proven reserves Slate, kaolin, dolomite, iron ore and so on. 目前已探明的矿藏有板石、高岭土、白云石、铁矿石等。
- Kela II and Dina II gas fields have proven reserves of 250 and 170 billion cubic meters. 带说:“即使从全球范围来看,储气量超过1000亿立方的燃气气田仍可被称为大气田。”
- Ethiopia/'s proven reserves of oil and gas are minimal but analysts believe there is potential, particularly for gas, in the Ogaden. 埃塞俄比亚已探明的石油和天然气储量很少,但分析人士认为,欧加登地区有很大开发潜力,特别在天然气方面。
- His guilt was proved up to the hilt. 他的罪行被完全证实了。
- The eastern part of the island in 1989, gold was found the initial proven reserves worth about 1.2 billion kroner, mining 12 tons per year. 1989年在该岛东部发现金矿,初步探明储量价值约12亿克朗,每年可采12吨。
- Western China has an obvious comparative advantage in mineral resources,with excellent conditions for mineralization,and there are 130 types of minerals with proven reserves. 西部地区矿产资源比较优势突出,成矿地质条件优越,已有探明储量矿产130种。
- It has proved of great assistance in such training. 事实证明,在这类训练中,它很有好处。