- Provide good service for teachers and students heart and soul. 竭诚服务教学。
- Do they provide good service? 他们提供很好的服务吗?
- They provide good service and skillfully brew tea for tea customers. 茶博士为顾客提供良好的服务,娴熟地沏茶。
- This restaurant provides good service. 这家饭店服务周到。
- Besides, we'll provide good service and promise to change another one for you if it doesn't work. 服务性好:产品出现质量问题可进行更换.
- I hardly take taxies because they are a little expensive though they provide good service. 我几乎不坐出租车,因为它有点贵,虽然它的服务很好。
- The target of our company is to satisfy customers fully, to provide good service, to improve staffs greatly and make them realize their ideality. 公司的经营目标是:最大限度的满足客户要求,最大程度的发挥员工潜能,使客户得到优质服务,使员工实现人生理想。
- After many years' efforts, chows become reliable anddependable ,we dedicated to provide good service, to establish long term relation with ustomers. 经过多年努力,振基已成为客户心目中可信赖和可靠的品牌,我们至力提供优质的服务,从而和客户建立长期的合作伙伴。
- The experiments prove that these methods can provide good service for unregistered users and the recommendation based on the hybrid algorithm is superior to single algorithm. 实验证明:上述方法能够很好地为未注册用户服务且基于混合算法的推荐优于基于单种算法的推荐。
- The factory in a "customer first" the purpose, adhere to the "quality first, credit first" principle, for the majority of users to provide good service. 本厂本着“用户就是上帝”的宗旨,坚持“质量第一,信誉至上”的原则,为广大用户提供优良的服务.
- It is said that half of the companies did not provide good services. 据说一半公司没有提供优质服务。
- The employees of the bank try to provide good services for the customers. 银行的雇员努力向顾客提供良好的服务。
- Shandong Huaxing Plate Printing and Can Making Company Ltd. is your creditable friend. We provide good service for the customers and welcome you to do transactions and co-operate with us. 山东华星印铁制罐有限公司是您信赖的合作伙伴,愿为广大客户提供优良服务,热情欢迎各界朋友光临惠顾,洽谈业务、互相合作。
- Our shop deals in imported Brand-name watches of fine quality at preferential prices and provides good service. 我店经营进口名牌手表,品质优良,价格优惠,服务周到。
- We provide good service. 我们提供优质服务。
- With the sprite of faith and pursuing perfect, we sincerely hope to provide good service for all the customers with good quality and build a competitive international producing enterprise. 我们将本着诚信务实、追求卓越的精神,竭诚为广大客户服务,以优质的产品打造一个具有竞争力的国际型生产企业。
- By providing good service and high qualify stang ord of products,we are glad to arrange with you. 热忱欢迎国内外客户来我公司洽谈业务。
- Tianjin TQM Automobile Part Co.,Ltd. has the right to do the imports and exports operations, we have the ability to provide good service to the internal &international auto manufactories. 从人员配置、技术能力、设备能力和生产规模等方面在汽车零部件生产行业中都具有较大优势。
- As Henry Ford famously remarked "a good company makes good products, at a good price and provides good service to its customers. 正如Henry Ford的名言“优秀的公司生产优秀的产品,以优秀的价格向它的客户提供优秀的服务。
- We let the PRINCESS has become more beautiful, because we have a week to prepare a lot of small princesses beautiful clothes, and provide good services. 我们让小公主变得更漂亮,因为我们每星期都为小公主们准备好多漂亮的衣服,并且提供良好的服务。