- These results provide strong support for the recommendations to consume more than 5 servings/day of fruit and vegetables. 这些结果为每日食用超过5次水果蔬菜这一建议提供了有力的支持。
- Not small stipend provided strong supporter for this kind of his hobby. 不薄的薪金为他的这种爱好提供了坚强的后盾。
- Results of these studies are consentient with fruits of abroad, providing strong support for future empirical study. 本研究成果与国外相关成果基本一致,并可为进一步的感戴干预研究提供有力的支持。
- These results provide strong supports for the microscopic theoretical study of bio-molecule under the inherent high electric field(produced by resti... 该结果为处于细胞膜固有强电场作用下的生物分子的微观理论研究提供了有利证据。
- This model reproduces the geometry of uncharged vugs in District No. 8 in Tahe oil field, which provides strong support for exploration and development of kind of this of reservoir. 模型三维再现了塔河油田8区未充填溶洞的几何形态,为此类油藏的勘探及开发部署等提供有力依据。
- Provide strong support and direction to dealers on product sales. 为经销商的产品销售提供技术支持;
- The museum continued to provide strong support to schools interested in staging in-school exhibitions. 年内,科学馆继续为有意在校内举行展览的学校,提供全力支援,并推出"眼睛与你"巡回展览,供学校使用。
- provide strong support for 有力支持
- The strongest support for this view is the work of Jones. 琼斯的工作是对该观点的最有力的支持。
- "Firstly, there is strong support for the proposed reforms to improve road safety. “第一,公众对于改善道路安全的改革强有力的支持。
- But here's the thing: last year polling seemed to show very strong support for the Massachusetts plan. 但是有这样一个事实:去年,投票结果显示了对马萨诸塞州计划强有力的支持。
- TI Texas Instruments will be technically strong support for Egyptian LTL program research and development. TI德州仪器将在技术上大力支持埃立特的方案研发。
- To provide strong support. 强有力地支持
- To protect the Proprietary in cyberspace, We must strengthen the technological legislation and the special legislation of network criminal law , and provide strong support and assurance for the security of the network system. 对网络空间中的财产权进行刑法保护,必须加强网络刑法的技术立法和单行立法,并对计算机网络安全体制提供有力支持和保障。
- Lastly, through empirical method, test the reasonableness of evaluating index system and matching model with SPSS soft ware and provide strong support to entrepreneur dynamical evaluation. 最后,用实证的方法,应用SPSS软件包对评价指标体系和匹配模型的合理性进行了验证,为企业家动态评价提供了有力的支持。
- In this sense, in Henan Province, agriculture has not only become a burden, but for the province's economic development has provided strong support. 从这个意义上讲,在河南,农业不仅没有成为包袱,反而为全省经济的发展提供了强有力的支撑。
- The department continued to offer strong support for customs co-operation in the Asia Pacific Region. 香港海关继续全力支持亚太区海关合作。
- They did not waver in their support for him. 他们毫不动摇地支持他。
- Especially the success that the country reforms, the abidance that is whole countryman economy, stable, healthy progress provided strong support. 非凡是农村改革的成功,为整个国民经济的持续、稳定、健康发展提供了强有力的支持。