- provincial highway system 省公路系统
- Like any highway system, the federal airways have their main trunk line. 同任何公路系统一样,联邦航空线路也有其主航线。
- It is easy to drive using the Interstate highway system. 州际公路系统使驾车变得很容易。
- Completion of the highway system in two years if very ambitious. 如果能够全力以赴,那么你两年内就可以完成公路系统。
- By car: from Taipei take on the 9th Provincial Highway (Taipei-Ilan Highway) to Chiaohsi. 开车:由台北走9号省道(北宜公路)可至礁溪。
- Since Ilan urban areas along the Mount Tai Road, adapter on the 7th-member provincial highway westbound Kedi double-PI. 自宜兰市区沿泰山路,转接7号省道西行可抵员山双连埤。
- English: The beginning of Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 14 at Jhungzhangzi,Changhua City,Changhua County,Taiwan. 中文(繁体):台14线起点于彰化市中庄子,左方(已出镜)是台1线往台中方向
- Another system that really works in the United States is the highway system. 在美国还有一个真正起作用的系统,就是高速公路系统。
- English: Taiwan Provincial Highway No.14 at Nanpu,Caotun Township,Nantou County,Taiwan. 中文(繁体):中潭公路与九九峰一景,位于台湾南投草屯镇。
- Like any highway system,the federal airways have their main trunk line. 同任何公路系统一样,联邦航空线路也有其主航线。
- By the Taipei-Ilan Highway to head north on Kedi, or from the coastal highway on the 2nd Taiwan Provincial Highway Kedi. 由北宜公路至头城北上可抵;或由滨海公路台二号省道可抵.
- Not all of the kinks in China's highway system have been worked out yet. 中国高速公路系统中的问题尚未完全消除。
- The Plot is located in Liangjing Town, Huiyang District and neighbors the new Administrative Center. To its east is the Yongping Road - a provincial highway. 该地块位于惠阳区良井镇,与良井镇新行政中心相邻。东侧为省道永平公路。
- Shaodong has a very convenient traffic, less than 1 Km away from Shangrui Highway, Railway, 320 national road, 107 national road, 1814 provincial highway run through the park. 交通便利,城区距上瑞高速公路仅1公里。铁路320国道107国道1814省道贯穿而过。
- One proposed solution to this problem is the automated highway system. 针对前面一句中出现的问题的一个解决方法。
- Diao Luoshan is very rare in China's one of the original tropical rain forest, the opening from the highway only 21 kilometers of Lingshui, the same provincial highway. 吊罗山是我国极为珍稀的原始热带雨林区之一,距高速公路陵水开口处仅21公里,有省道相通。
- Transport facilities, 04 provincial highway and deer Tang line in this intersection, 68 kilometers from Hangzhou, Huzhou, 58 km, 220 km Shanghai, Ningbo, 230 km. 交通便利,04省道及鹿唐线在此交汇,距杭州68公里,湖州58公里,上海220公里,宁波230公里。
- By car: Since Qishan on the 21st dart through the north to Jiaxian, then on the 20th Provincial Highway, the old concentration to Polaris, turn right line about 7.6 km Wan. 开车:自旗山循21号省道北上至甲仙,再转20号省道,经老浓至宝来,右转行约7.;6公里即抵。
- Our enterprise enjoys an elegant geographical environment, 2km away from Hangzhou Ecology Park, with convenient transportation, 2km due to No. 03 Provincial Highway, and Hangzhou-Jinhua-Quzhou Expressway passing by. 本企业地理环境优美,距杭州生态园2公里,交通便利,距03省2公里,杭金瞿高速擦肩而过。
- Situated in the cross of Provincial Highway 339 and the Qianjin Road in Yushan Economic Development Zone, our company is only 7-minute car ride to Kunshan Exit of the Shanghai Expressway. 公司座落于开发区339省道和前进路交汇处,312国道从公司前面穿过,交通十分快捷便利。