- Then they organized a provisional government. 这时他们组织了一个临时政府。
- It had organized a provisional government. 它组成了一个临时政府。
- Members of the provisional government were prisoners or fugitives. 临时政府的成员或被捕或逃亡。
- The military leaders set up a provisional government. 军事领导人们成立了临时政府。
- On September 19, 1958, the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic was formed. 阿尔及利亚人民经过8年的民族独立斗争,终于赢得了独立。
- One week later, the Tsar abdicated under duress and the First Provisional Government took control of the country. 一个星期后,沙皇被迫退位,第一临时政府接管了俄国。
- In 1870, a negotiation was conducted between this provisional government and the Canadian government, which brought about the foundation of Manitoba, the 5th province of Canada. 1870年,该临时政府与加拿大政府谈判,并最终建立了马尼托巴省,成为加拿大联邦的第5个省。
- Kerensky's provisional government struggled to maintain power until Lenin's Bolshevik followers stormed Petrograd and seized all government operations. 克伦斯基的临时政府为了保住权力而苦苦挣扎,直到列宁的布尔什维克主义追随者攻占彼得格勒,占领了所有的政府设施。
- "The members of the Provisional Government were in this room for a considerable length of time," she wrote, "where they held a council of war. “临时政府的成员曾在这个房间里呆了很长一段时间,”她写道,“在这里他们召开了战争议会。
- Soon after news of the Japanese surrender was received on August 14,1945,a provisional government was set up by the Colonial Secretary,Mr(later Sir) Frank Gimson. 一九四五年八月十四日,日本宣布投降。消息传来,布政司詹森(后获封爵士)随即组织临时政府。
- Soon after news of the Japanese surrender was received on August 14,1945, a provisional government was set up by the Colonial Secretary, Mr(later Sir) Frank Gimson. 一九四五年八月十四日,日本宣布投降。消息传来,布政司詹森(后获封爵士)随即组织临时政府。
- Ever since the Provisional Government of the Repub lic of Korea was established in Shanghai in 1919, it obtained sympathy and support from the Chine se people and government. 自1919年大韩民国临时政府在上海成立后,韩国独立运动一直得到中国人民和中国政府的支持。
- In 1869, when the Canadians were about to take over the Northwest, the local Metis, under the leadership of Louis Riel, took up arms against the Canadians and established a provisional government. 1869年,当加拿大人准备接管西北地区时,梅蒂斯人在他们的领袖路易?里尔的领导下对加拿大人进行了武装反抗,并建立了临时政府。
- The government of the end of Qing Dynasty, the Nanking provisional government ,and the Beiyang government, forced by the social situation and the demanding of the historical development, issued a lot of laws and decrees about women problems. 清末政府、南京临时政府和北洋政府为形势所迫,顺应历史发展的要求,颁行了大量有关妇女问题的法律条文。
- The present law makes no provision for this. 现行的法律对此未作任何规定。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The Nature of Naniing Provisional Government 关于南京临时政府的性质问题
- The intention of the provision is clear. 那条款的含义是清楚的。
- The Construction of Beijing Provisional Government 北京临时政府的组建过程
- Provisional Government of the State of Palestine; 巴勒斯坦国临时政府;