- provocation and estrangement 挑拨离间
- Chen's action was an obvious and wilful provocation and a high-stake gamble. 陈水扁此举是明显的蓄意挑衅,也是一场豪赌。
- Behind it is a provocation and a strong disappointment and helplessness! 那挑衅与坚强的背后是这样一种失望与无奈啊!
- They are being provocative and controversial just to spite us. 他们这样挑衅和争论就是要故意刁难我们。
- Chen's action was an obvious and willful provocation and a high-stake gamble. 陈水扁此举是明显的蓄意挑衅,也是一场豪赌。
- Literariness and Estrangement are the focuses and embodiments of Russian formalism literary theory. “文学性”与“陌生化”是俄国形式主义理论精髓的集中体现。
- We must resist that provocation and I want all our people briefed to that effect. 我们必须抵制这种挑衅,我要求把这一点对我们所有的人讲清楚。
- Anson Chan decried the comments by Tsang as a “provocation and personal attack”. 陈方安生谴责曾德成的言论是挑衅及人身攻击。
- In the period of Hegel and Feuerbach and young Marx,the theory of Estrangemen has three forms:Alienation and Estrangement and Objectification. 而到了黑格尔、费尔巴哈和青年马克思时期,异化理论主要有三种形态:外化、异化和对象化。
- The accumulation of the dispute, the husband and wife and estrangement from the alert, known as the "Strange Bedfellows. 纠纷的积累,夫妻从隔阂而戒备,俗称“同床异梦”。
- In the military, economic, completely lost the ability opponent to take up the case of provocation and challenge each other! 在军事、经济能力完全不敌对手的情况下毅然接受对方的挑衅和挑战!
- It is a depressingly familiar scenario, a cycle of provocation and reprisal that periodically escalates into full-blown war. 局势一直不容乐观,而一轮又一轮的挑衅和报复行动将局部冲突升级为全面战争。
- Where no trouble crops up and estrangement begins to disappear and unity begins to grow,there the work can be considered well done and good results achieved. 只要不出乱子,能够开始消除隔阂,搞好团结,就是工作做得好,就是成绩。
- The local government of Tibet did not oppose the imperialist deception and provocation and adopted an unpatriotic attitude towards the great Motherland. 西藏地方政府不但不反对帝国主义的欺骗和挑衅,并采取了对伟大祖国的爱国主义的态度。
- Both leaders have said they want to break North Korea from its pattern of provocation and negotiation for economic and security gains and seek more stable behavior from it. 两国总统都说,他们希望使朝鲜脱离先挑衅、再通过谈判获得经济和安全好处的模式,争取朝鲜的行为更为稳定。
- Where no trouble crops up and estrangement begins to disappear and unity begins to grow, there the work can be considered well done and good results achieved. 只要不出乱子,能够开始消除隔阂,搞好团结,就是工作做得好,就是成绩。
- The MS Tech Month begins with team training and in the two hours, we pull out the strangeness and estrangement, in the two hours, we create trust and privity. 团队培训,让微软技术活动月有了一个好的开始。两个半小时,融解了陌生与隔阂,两个半小时,创造了信任与默契。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。