- pruning of goal tree 目标树修剪
- Pruning of the vines takes up most of this period. 这时期最主要的工作就是修剪枝条。
- We will never stop short of goal. 我们不达目的,决不罢休。
- It accelerates and decelerates, puts balls of goal. 他的节奏感好,懂得何时提速与减速,理顺进攻层次。
- Sully values the concept of 'goal sacrificing. 萨伦伯格尊崇“取舍目标”的观念。
- But he has had mixed season with AC Milan in front of goal. 在本赛季,比埃尔霍夫为ac米兰队踢球,但是,他在球门前显然不在状态。
- The width of goal line and ball doorpost and beam is identical. 球门线与球门柱和横梁的宽度是相同的。
- Quick, two-footed, wriggly and lethal within 35 yards of goal. 迅速,左右开弓,在门前35码内轻盈而且致命。
- A third type of goal is specifically concerned with identity. 第三种类型的目标是对身份的特别关注。
- But so has every acorn the essentials for making a great oak tree, yet the Japanese show us that even an oak may be stunted by continual pruning of its shoots. 但是日本的说法是,即便橡子也拥有长成参天大树的各种必须条件,但是如果我们不停的对它的新枝进行修剪,它也只能长得十分矮小。
- What is the aggregate of goals from the two football matches? 两场橄榄球赛的总进球数是多少?
- The pruning of segmental roots and branches and the repair rectification of trees should be undertaken by qualified tree specialists. 由合资格的树木专家修剪树根及树枝和执行修补矫正树木的工作。
- In anther case, Manukau City Council v Heenan, Mr Heenan was sentenced to pay $30,000 for the extensive pruning of 13 protected Pohutukawa trees. 在另一宗曼奴考市诉赫楠案中,赫楠先生因大面积修剪13棵受保护的圣诞树而被罚3万纽币。
- If you prune the dead wood away, the tree has a better chance of growth. 如果你把枯枝剪去,这棵树就会长得更好。
- Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail. 尽量删去你那文章中无关的细节。
- disjunctive conjunctive goal tree 析取合取目标树
- The squirrel ran up a tree and got out of my reach. 松鼠跑到树上去了,我逮不着。
- Effective agricultural control measures include intertilling. to decrease pupae, pruning of cotton plants to remove eggs and willow branches or high-pressure mercury lamps trap to kill moths et al. 冬耕、中耕和灌水灭蛹,整枝灭卵,杨柳枝把或高压汞灯诱蛾都是有效的综防措施。
- He is not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生来适于攀登知识之树的。
- Made players with clear sight of goal more likely to shoot than run into a more difficult shooting position. 如果球员面前开阔,他将拔脚就射,而不是带球跑到位置更差的射门角度。