- Archive: The storage of informations which are not needed currently but which may be needed in the future, from a computer, or typesetting front end system. 文件库:是存贮器。它把由电脑或排字系统的前端机所传发的暂时不用但将来可能需用的信息存贮起来。
- Archive The storage of informations which are not needed currently but which may be needed in the future, from a computer, or typesetting front end system. 是存贮器。它把由电脑或排字系统的前端机所传发的暂时不用但将来可能需用的信息存贮起来。
- A projecting forward part, such as the front end of a ski. 前端的突出部分向前突出的前端,比如滑雪板的前端
- The preset is actually saved on the far end system. 预置实际上保存在远端系统上。
- The dewar is the front end of the receiver system of the radio telescope. 杜瓦瓶是射电望远镜上接收机系统的前端。
- The Tundra's front end has been mildly reworked. 腾华的前端已轻度返工。
- A device at the front end of a locomotive or streetcar designed to push aside obstructions. 防护板火车机车或公共汽车前端用来推开障碍物的装置
- Low noise, high linearity RF front end circuit is the key of the whole RF receiver system design. 低噪声、高线性度的射频前端设计是整个射频接收机系统电路设计中的关键。
- It's the blackened front end that garnered the "Bocanegra" name. 这是发黑的前端获得了“格拉”的名称。
- A Wizard of Oz prototype also uses a human in the backend, but the front end is an actual computer system instead of a paper mockup. 纸上原型指导在后端也是使用人类(拟)但在前端,是真实的计算机系统代替纸上模型。
- April 1949 (1311 Dai Li), the liberation of Menglian, Tusi Menglian end system. 1949年4月(傣历1311年),孟连解放,孟连土司制度告终。
- With a flexible front end for submitting work to the system, it provides an elegant solution to the problem of computational computing. 该系统用于提交任务的前端非常灵活,是计算性计算问题的杰出解决方案。
- The videophone network system, by the received signal, front end processes, the user assignment and user terminal several parts generally is composed. 电视电话网络系统,一般由接收信号、前端处理、用户分配和用户终端几部分组成。
- Most compilers have front ends and back ends. 多数编译器都具有前端和后端。
- Isolation works by electrically separating the circuit's front end, where hazardous voltages can exist, from the rest of the data acquisition system. 隔离通过从数据采集系统的其它地方将存在危险电压的电路前端电力地分离而起作用。
- The front end is equipped with hydraulic jacks used for grade adjustment. 前瑞安装有液压千斤顶用来调整坡度。
- (1) Placing the type founts in a phototypesetter and the loading of a selection of software when a front end system can be configurated for different purposes. (1)把整副字体或选择某一软件,装入照相排字机上,使前端系统的配置,可作不同用途。
- The Viewthere menu appears and shows up to five camera choices,depending on the capability of the far end system. 根据远端系统的能力,Viewthere菜单显示多达五个摄像机选项。
- The view there menu appears and shows up to five cameras choice,depending on the capability of the far end system. 根据远端系统的能力,Viewthere菜单显示多达五个摄像机选项。
- A scenario shows how the front end would look for a single concrete task. 一个场景展现了前后端怎样看起来想一个具体的任务。