- 治疗药物可分为三大类:抗HIV病毒药物,免疫调节剂和抗感染药物。There are three kinds of treatment drugs: the anti-HIV ones, immunoregulation ones and anti-infective ones.
- 感染infection
- 抗to resist
- 在这种疾病发展的下一个阶段,HIV感染的症状开始出现。The next stage of the development of the disease is when symptoms of the activity of the HIV actually start appearing.
- 抗HIVAnti-HIV
- 抗拉强度intensity of tension
- HIV感染率为1.0%,RPR阳性率为7.0%,TPPA阳性率为13.1%。The prevalence of HIV was 1.0%25,RPR was 7.0%25 and TPPA was 13.1%25. It was found that the two HIV positive YMSM were college students.
- 抗菌antibiosis
- 抗氧化剂antioxidant
- 抗性fastness
- 儿科HIV感染pediatric HIV infection
- 抗病毒antivirus
- 抗氧化oxidation resistance
- HIV分子流行病学及辅受体突变导致HIV感染抑制机理的研究Study of Molecular Epidemiology of HIV and Mechanism of Anti-HIV Phenomena Due to Coreceptor Mutation
- 疫苗可以很好的耐受,没有发生严重副作用,疫苗不会导致HIV感染。The vaccine candidate appeared to be well tolerated with no serious adverse events related to the vaccine. The vaccine cannot cause HIV infection.
- 抗HIV药Anti-HIV agents
- 我们必须毫不含糊地断言,HIV感染来自4种途径,而且只有4种途径。We must state completely and unequivocally that HIV infection comes from four,and only four sources.
- 抗HIV活性anti-HIV
- (另一篇文章)从被HIV感染,发展到艾滋病约(中位数)11年。Progression from HIV infection to AIDS occurs at a median of 11 years after infection.
- 抗HIV药物Anti-HIV agents