- psychiatric criminology 精神病犯罪学
- I'm being confined to a psychiatric ward, Evelyn. 我将要被软禁在一个精神病房里,伊芙琳
- She was committed to a psychiatric hospital. 她被送进了精神病院。
- Report psychiatric abuse - it's a crime! 报告精神病学滥用,那是一种犯罪。
- Psychiatric and mental health nursing. 精神和心理健康护理。
- Criminology and Criminal Justice M.A. 犯罪学与司法学。
- Hello, Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline. 你好,欢迎来到精神病热线。
- The crime institute specialized has: Criminology. 犯罪学院专业有:犯罪学。
- The number of psychiatric day hospital places remained at 639. 精神科日间医院的收容名额仍维持639个。
- The number of psychiatric day hospital places was increased to 679. 精神科日间医院名额增至679个。
- It must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it. 这一定很小,目前精神病的诊断方法还发现不了。
- He's been committed to a private psychiatric hospital in Newark. 他已被收进纽瓦克的一家私立精神病院。
- On criminology, there are two aspects about the reasons. 在犯罪学上,这些企业犯罪的原因可以分为内外两个方面。
- The culture of folk-custom was of great importance n criminology. 摘要民俗文化在犯罪学中有著重要的功用。
- But neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests were able to show any effects upon these American sailors. 但是无论是精神病学的走访或客观的试验,都不能显示噪音对这些美国水兵有任何影响。
- He was suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder. 他患有某种类型的精神错乱。
- It would mean a psychiatric facility instead of prison. 这意味着心理治疗机构而不是监狱。
- He is interested in the issues of crime and criminology. 他对犯罪及犯罪学方面的问题感兴趣。
- The course leads to a diploma in psychiatric nursing. 读完这门课程可以获得精神病护理文凭。
- The scores of GWB has correlation with psychiatric symptoms. GWB的评分与精神症状有关