- psychodiagnostic typology 心理诊断类型
- The noun decategorization has the typology significance. 名词的非范畴化还有类型学上的意义。
- The writer uses the typology of Melchizedek purposely. 作者别具用心地运用麦基洗德为实例教材。
- Linguistic typology is a distinguished school in contemporary linguistics. 摘要语言类型学是当代语言学的显学。
- Croft, W. 1990 Typology and Universals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 蒋绍愚《近代汉语研究概况》,北京大学出版社。
- Colquhoun, "Typology and Design Method," 48, 49. 34. Ibid., 48. 35.Ibid., 44. 相反,"历史类型"就曾试图使建筑作品合法化。
- The author uses typology and various spatial analysis approaches in the thesis. 作者在文章中采用类型学方法和多种空间分析方法。
- DeShong, M. "Housing Typology and Urban Morphology: London and Paris." 1990. 居住类型学与都市形态学:伦敦与巴黎>,1990.
- The following is a typology (in chronological order) of the most common house styles over America's short history. 下面是一个美国历史上不同时期典型住宅风格的类型目录。
- This article concluded with an optimistic predication of typology study in China in the future. 文章还对类型学在我国未来的发展作了乐观的展望。
- At the same time, an important part of generally relevant knowledge is the typology of specialists. 同时,所有相关知识有一部分很重要,就是专门化的类型学。
- Based on this typology and the actual reform situations, we explore the directions and solution for institution reform in China. 以此为据,针对当前事业单位改革的实际,探讨了我国事业单位改革的方向与治理模式。
- The basis of typology study in archaeology is classification, discriminating type is classification and discriminating pattern is also classification. 考古类型学研究的基础工作就是分类,分型是分类,分式亦是分类,只不过分类的原则和目的不同而已。
- These characteristics of passive expression in Sino-Tibetan languages are worth noticing in typology research. 汉藏语被动表述的这些特点,使其对类型学研究有着特殊价值。
- At the same time, an import part of generally relevant knowledge is typology of specialists. 同时,在一般相关知识中的一个重要部份是将专家分类,。
- Benedict applied the theory of culture typology, distant reading and reforming other culture. 本尼迪克特在研究中运用了文化类型学理论,对他者文化进行遥读和整合。
- The approach shoud be replicated in order to construct a typology of older worker performance in a variety of jobs. 在多种工作中,可以重复这种方法来创建一个年长员工业绩的类型。
- With its traditional roof and simple cubic shape, it fits seemlessly into the typology of the neigborhood. 传统的屋顶和简单的立方体形式,使它符合类型学,不动声色地融入周边环境中。
- Besides, the typology of the insurgents is varied, with more mountaineers than coastal pirates. 寇盗基本上由闽粤赣边山区的“山贼”和闽粤沿海的“海寇”组成,乱事始于北宋而盛于南宋;
- This typology should adapt to 2 to 5 people families and possibly enable growth and extensions. 房屋可以容纳2至5人生活,并有扩大空间的可能性。