- The origin and development of psychological processes,personality,or behavior. 心理发生过程,性格或行为的起因和发展。
- The origin and development of psychological processes, personality, or behavior. 心理发生心理过程,性格或行为的起因和发展
- Lenovo, as a kind of thinking, is a psychological process of associating one thing with another. 联想作为人的一种思维活动,是由一事物想到另一事物的心理过程,是由此及彼的一种思维活动。
- Intake, which includes simplifying, inferencing, structuring and restructuring, is a complex psychological process. 吸收是一个复杂的心理过程,它包括简化、推断、建构和重构等几个相对独立又相互联系的过程。
- The researchers said more work is needed to find out what psychological processes underlie the effects of a dramatic improvement during therapy. 这些学者说应该多做点研究来找出心理过程在治疗中的作用,心理过程是显著改善病状的基础。
- Personality theorists have argued for many years about whether psychological processes function in terms of mechanism or teleology. 心理学家关于心理过程作用是由机制或是目的来决定已经争论许多年。
- Society for Psychical Research, London, 11. 5. 2006. Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes, University of Northampton, 16. 5. 2006. 这篇文章提到了"赛巴巴",是印度号称世界级的智者,因为是德文,我只能翻译到这里。
- It is expressed through the psychological processes of intuition, association and imagination to become the compound of thought, emotion, image and language. 表现感受就是通过直觉、联想、想象等心理过程使感受成为思想、情感、形象、语言的复合体。
- Inspiritment is a psychological process in which human internal motivation is prompted so that a person moves towards the expected goal. 摘要激励是指激发人的动机,使人具有一种内在的动力,朝所期望的目标前进的心理活动过程。
- In the meantime, the author contends that there are four psychological processes responsible for the construction of interculture, and that interculture has three characteristics. 本文假设了过渡文化产生的四大心理过程并对其进行了详细的论证,并且还归纳出过渡文化的三大特征。
- This paper analyses the psychological process and the causes in undergraduate suicide behaviors, and offers some suggestions for the crisis psytocracy. 文章通过对大学生自杀行为过程及原因的分析,从而得出一些启示,并提出了对自杀危机干预的几点对策。
- The skillful speaker gets, at the outset, a number of 'Yes' responses. This sets the psychological process of the listeners moving in the affirmative direction. 一个善于说话的人都是在开端就先获得一些(是)的反应。因此能使他的听众心里迈向于(肯定)这方面。
- The process of listening comprehension is the interactive psychological process between the background knowledge (or schemata) and the input of information. 摘要听力理解过程是背景知识或图式与输入信息相互作用的心理过程。
- Unconsciousness is the sum total of psychological process,activity and state of mind, of which the subject is unaware, including unconscious cognition and experience. 无意识是主体没有意识到的心理过程、心理活动和心理状态的总和,包括不自觉的认识和不自觉的体验。
- English listening comprehension is a psychological process of processing and compounding of languageinformation. 英语听力理解是人对语言信息加工合成的心理过程。
- Reading a book containing models of handwriting for learners is psychological process which include detailed observe, analyses, summarizing rule of how to use pent and comprehend and digestion mental in final. 摘要读帖是对法帖进行详细的观察、分析、揣摩,总结其用笔规律、结体规律,最终理解和领悟其精神的心理过程。
- Reading a book containing models of handwriting for learners is psychological process which include detailed observe,analyses,summarizing rule of how to use pent and comprehent and digestion mental in final. 读帖是对法帖进行详细的观察、分析、揣摩,总结其用笔规律、结体规律,最终理解和领悟其精神的心理过程。
- This paper discusses that learners should understand the psychological process of listening and features of listening, provides practical training of listening and developing listening ability. 论述了学习者在听力过程中要了解听的心理过程及听的特点,并提出听力的实践训练和听力能力的培养。
- Vygotsky,L. (1978).Interaction between Learning and Development.In M.Cole, V.John-Steiner, S.Scribner, &E.Souberman (Eds.), Mind in society: The Development of Higher Psychological Process. 蔡姿娟(民93),合作学习教学法对高三学生英语阅读理解及态度之效益研究,国民教育研究学报第13期,261-283页。
- Schema Theory is a theoretical mode explaining psychological process in cognitive psychology. 图式理论是认知心理学中用来解释心理过程的一种理论模式。