- constitutional psychopathic inferiority 素质性病态人格性低下, 体质性自卑感精神变态
- Some of them developed a great inferiority complex. 他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。
- psychopathic inferiority 病态人格性低劣
- He had a feeling of inferiority. 他有自卑感。
- I consider it to be inferior to robot. 我认为它不及机器人。
- A captain is inferior to a major. 上尉的级别低於少校。
- Woman is inferior to man in strength. 女人力量不及男人。
- The Silver Age came next, inferior to the golden. 接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。
- Most people enjoy the inferiority of their best friends. 大多数人都以他们最好的朋友的自卑感为乐。
- This plastic is inferior in quality to glass. 这塑胶的质料比玻璃差。
- I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods. 我不愿花这么多钱买次品。
- He's so clever, he makes me feel inferior. 他那么聪明,让我自愧不如。
- These people occupy an inferior position in local society. 这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。
- I like you better when you were a psychopath. 我比较喜欢精神错乱时候的你。
- The salesman tried to fob off an inferior brand on us. 那个推销员试图以劣质牌号骗卖给我们。
- Jealous lovers with psychopathic features. 具备心理病态特征的善嫉情人。
- Of low, common, or inferior quality. 低质量的低的、普通的或劣等的质量的
- Yeah, he's a psychopathic killer, but so what? |是啊,他是个丧心病狂杀手 那又如何?
- A cheaper camera is not always inferior to a more expensive one. 廉价照相机的质量并总不比昂贵的差。
- Ruthiessly self-centred psychopathic schemers. 高度自我中心的病态阴谋家。