- psychotic major depression 重型精神病性抑郁症
- Severe major depression with psychotic features 重度大抑郁症伴精神病性特征
- Severe major depression without psychotic features 重度大抑郁症不伴精神病性特征
- A comparative study on Luvox and Amitriptyline in patients with major depression. 兰释和阿米替林治疗抑郁症对照研究。
- Convinced that a major depression was imminent, he ordered 2 billion scratched from future product programs. 亨利相信大衰退迫在眉睫,下令从今后产品计划中削减二十亿美元。
- This review presents the major current approaches to understanding the biologic mechanisms of major depression. 这里复习大多数当前的处理,来理解严重抑郁症的生物学机制。
- People with dysthymia may also experience one or more episodes of major depression during their lifetime. 精神抑郁症患者一生中也可能经历一次或多次大抑郁症发作。
- Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is not as common as major depression or dysthymia. 双相情感障碍,也叫做躁郁症,并不像重度抑郁症或心境恶劣一样普遍。
- People with dysthymia may also experience one or more episodes of major depression during their lifetimes. 心境恶劣患者在其一生中,也会经历一次或更多此的重度抑郁。
- Plasma concentrations of excitatory amino acids serine, glycine, taurine and histidine in major depression. 血浆兴奋性氨基酸,丝氨酸,甘氨酸,牛磺酸和组氨酸的抑郁症。
- A patient with major depression, who as rescued from hinging attempt, was referred to our hospital 3 days later. 尝试自杀患者中有超过90%25有严重精神疾病。
- The likelihood of suffering major depression seems to be increased among smokers, especially those who smoke heavily, study findings suggest. 研究发现,瘾君子染上重大忧郁症的可能性似乎较高,尤其是那些烟瘾比较大的人。
- Some two thirds of their subjects exhibited recurrent cyclothymic or hypomanic tendencies, and half had at one time suffered from a major depression. 这些人当中有将近2/3反覆出现循环精神病或轻度躁狂的症状;
- Fujikawa T, Yamawaki S, Touhouday, et al. Incidence of silent cerebral infarction in patients with major depression[J]. Stroke, 1993, 24(11):1631. 张通,孟家眉,项曼君.;脑卒中后抑郁的前瞻性研究[J]
- McQuaid JR, et al. Reported trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression among primary care patients. Psychol Med 2001;31;1249-1257. 汪向东;姜经纬.;创伤后应激障碍的流行病学特点及危险因素(综述)
- Objective To examine the different characteristic factors between patients with major depression disorder and dysthymia disorder. 摘要目的探讨重性抑郁症和心境恶劣障碍患者人格特征差异。
- An episode of major depression my occur only once in a person's lifetime, but more often, it recurs throughout a person's life. 大抑郁症发作对个体患者来说可能一生只发生一次,但通常来说,大抑郁症存在于个体患者的整个生命过程中。
- Fujikawa T, Yamawaki S, Touhouday, et al. Incidence of silent cerebral infarction in patients with major depression[J]. Stroke, 1993, 24(11) :1631. 张通;孟家眉;项曼君.;脑卒中后抑郁的前瞻性研究[J]
- Schweiger E,Felghner J,Lanra A,et al: Comparison of venlafaxine and imipramine in the acute treatment of major depression in outpatients. 杨庆河;陈景清;申建城;等.;马普替林与阿米替林治疗老年抑郁症双盲对照研究
- An episode of major depression may occur only once in a person's lifetime, but more often, it recurs throughout a person's life. 重度抑郁发作可能在个体一生中仅出现一次,但是更多的情况是重度抑郁在一生中反复发作。