- The provisions of the Company Law shall be applicable to the form of organization and institutional framework of public air transport enterprises. 第九十四条公共航空运输企业的组织形式、组织机构适用公司法的规定。
- This is more than 179 trees as a result of the height restriction of air law has hindered Shizuoka Airport opened. 这179棵树由于超过航空法的高度限制,曾妨碍静冈机场开港。
- A public air transport enterprise operating scheduled air services shall have its timetable published. 公共航空运输企业经营航班运输,应当公布班期时刻。
- Some stations do not broadcast over the public air waves airwaves, so they do not have to follow FCC F. 一些广播站不通过公共电视频道播放,所以他们不需要遵守F.
- The station is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission which policies polices the public air waves airwaves. 广播站的许可都是由管理公共电视广播的联邦通讯委员会(F.
- Article 105 A public air transport enterprise shall be covered by insurance against liability for third parties on the surface. 第一百零五条公共航空运输企业应当投保地面第三人责任险。
- Public air transport enterprise means a corporate enterprise engaged in the transport of passengers, baggage, mail or cargo with civil aircraft for the purpose of making profit. 第九十一条公共航空运输企业,是指以营利为目的,使用民用航空器运送旅客、行李、邮件或者货物的企业法人。
- The chargeable business items of a public air transport enterprise shall be determined by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. 第九十七条公共航空运输企业的营业收费项目,由国务院民用航空主管部门确定。
- No public air transport enterprise shall carry articles the transport of which is prohibited by the provisions of laws and administrative rules and regulations. 第一百条公共航空运输企业不得运输法律、行政法规规定的禁运物品。
- No public air transport enterprise shall carry munitions of war and implements of war unless approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. 公共航空运输企业未经国务院民用航空主管部门批准,不得运输作战军火、作战物资。
- International Conference on Air Law; 国际航空法会议;
- Article106 This Chapter shall apply to the transport of persons, baggage, or cargo performed by the civil aircraft of public air transport enterprise, including the gratuitous transport performed by the civil aircraft of public air transport enterprise. 第一百零六条本章适用于公共航空运输企业使用民用航空器经营的旅客、李或者货物的运输,包括公共航空运输企业使用民用航空器办理的免费运输。
- Where a public air transport enterprise fails to obtain operating licence, no registration shall be performed for such enterprise by the administrative department for industry and commerce. 未取得经营许可证的,工商行政管理部门不得办理工商登记。
- No public air transport enterprise shall carry passengers who refused to accept security inspection, nor shall it carry baggage which have not gone through security inspection against State regulation. 第一百零二条公共航空运输企业不得运输拒绝接受安全检查的旅客,不得违反国家规定运输未经安全检查的行李。
- At the federal level, the Environmental Protection Agency is proposing 50 grams/liter VOC in washes for printers located in areas that are not in compliance with clean air laws. 在联邦一级,美国环境保护局提出50克/升的挥发性有机化合物的洗涤位于打印机的领域中不符合清洁空气法。
- Article 106 This Chapter shall apply to the transport of persons, baggage, or cargo performed by the civil aircraft of public air transport enterprise, including the gratuitous transport performed by the civil aircraft of public air transport enterprise. 第一百零六条本章适用于公共航空运输企业使用民用航空器经营的旅客、行李或者货物的运输,包括公共航空运输企业使用民用航空器办理的免费运输。
- In addition to these Provisions, the relevant state laws, administrative regulations and rules shall be abided by for the business licensing for foreign-funded public air transportation enterprises. 外商投资设立公共航空运输企业的经营许可,除适用本规定外,还应当符合国家有关法律、行政法规和规章的规定。
- It was a rare public airing of the sense of brainy entitlement that emboldened Mr Gates to get the world to yield to his will. 这段影片难得的向公众展示了盖茨先生自我感觉天赋异禀想要世界屈从他意志的一面。
- The attempt to snuff out the protest was the strongest sign so far of the government's growing impatience with public airing of grievances over unsafe school construction. 公众对不安全学校建筑的不满;政府变得越来越没有耐心.;本次政府企图浇灭抗议就是最重要的一个标志
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。