- public PE teachers 公共课体育教师
- Our PE teacher is a tall and strong man. 我们的体育老师又高大又壮实。
- We asked our PE teacher for a football. 我们请求体育老师给我们一个足球。
- We think highly of our PE teacher. 我们对体育老师评价很高。
- We want a PE teacher to teach basketball. 我们想要找一个体育老师来教篮球.
- The PE teacher bought five footballs yesterday. 体育老师昨天买了五个足球。
- We can ask our PE teacher for help. 我们可以请求体育老师帮忙。
- Holt-Hale chairs a national task force to write standards for PE teachers. 霍尔特-黑尔负责一个为体育教师编写规范标准的国家特别工作组。
- Holt-Hale takes a national task forced to write standards for PE teachers. 霍尔特·黑尔负责为体育教师编写规范标准的任务。
- Based on the data analysing and experience,several problems on the freshmen's public PE teaching to find out a practical way for imporving the public PE teaching were discussed. 通过文献资料分析法,总结教学经验,对普通高等院校新生公共体育课教学的几个问题进行探讨,为普通高等院校新生公共体育课教育教学寻求一条确实可行的路子。
- But Mr Hu, the boys'PE teacher, said he thought the girls deserved to win. 但是男生的体育老师胡老师认为女生应该赢。
- The girls' PE teacher, Miss Wang, was very pleased with their performance. 女生的体育教师王老师对女生的表现非常满意。
- She says one problem for PE teachers is that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects. 她说对于体育老师来说,一个问题就是学校迫于压力把更多的时间花在学术课程上。
- The perception of principals' paternalistic leadership was affected by gender, position, as well as the years of the teaching of the PE teachers. 三、性别、担任职务、教学年资在体育教师知觉校长家长式领导行为有显著差异。
- Grandmas who warned against slouching and PE teachers who made students balance a book on their head always have known that, and doctors confirm it. 老一辈警告我们不要驼背,体育教师让学生在头上顶一本书保持平衡。他们都知道这一点,医生也证实了这一点。
- public PE in colleges of Hunan Province 高校公共体育课
- college public PE elective course 高校公体选项课
- It probed into the morals quality, psychological quality, knowledge quality, ability quality and educational idea which modem PE teachers should possessed. 就当代体育教师应具备的道德素质、心理素质、知识素质、能力素质及教育观念等进行探讨。
- Public PE teaching in higher education 高校公共体育
- Past experiences: secondary school PE teacher, The HK Polytechnic Instructor, National Yunlin Institute of Technology Instructor (Taiwan). 曾任中学体育教师、香港理工学院导师、台湾国立云林技术学院讲师。