- public accounting fee 外出查账, 社会调查费用
- CPA(Certified Public Account) is preferred. 注册会计师优先。
- Thus, Public accounting firms often are called cpa firms. 因此,公共会计师事务所常被称为注册会计师事务所。
- Accountants rendering accounting services on a fee basis and staff accountants employed by them are said to be engaged in public accounting. 凡在按规定标准收费提供会计服务的会计师事务所里工作的会计人员,被称为公共会计师。
- Public accountants who are similar to doctors or lawyers can offer their accounting service to the public on a fee basis. 公共会计师是像律师、医生那样,按规定收费标准为公众提供各种会计服务。
- I am a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). 我是注册会计师。
- public accounting fees 外出查账, 社会调查费用
- Beijing Tianhua Certified Public Accountants Ltd. 北京天华会计师事务所
- Any other charge on the public account constituting an export subsidy. 由公共账户支出的构成出口补贴的其他费用。
- He got a certificate to practise as a public accountant. 他领到了开业会计师的执照。
- The partners shall bear joint liabilities as to the obligations of the public accounting firm. 合伙人对会计师事务所的债务承担连带责任。
- That's true. Harry Bennett,certified public accountant. 是的。Harry Bennett注册会计师。
- Beijing JingDu Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. 北京京都会计师事务所有限责任公司。
- Beijing Zheng Hexin Certified Public Accountants Co. Ltd. 北京正和信会计师事务所有限责任公司。
- Public accounting firms with limited liabilities shall bear obligations with their total assets. 负有限责任的会计师事务所以其全部资产对其债务承担责任。
- No unit or individual shall interfere in the services entrusted by the clients to public accounting firms. 第三十条委托人委托会计师事务所办理业务,任何单位和个人不得干预。
- Q: Will practical public accounting experience help me pass the CPA examination? 会计实务经验是否有助于我通过考试?
- Additionally, $100,000 will be needed for general overhead expenses such as for salaries, corporate legal and accounting fees, office overhead and general working capital. 另外,还需要一般间接费用100,000美元,如薪资,法律和会计费用,企业管理费用和常规运营资本。
- The registered public accounting firm shall report directly to the audit committee. 备案登记的注册会计师事务所应当直接向审计委员会报告。
- Article 31 The provisions of Articles 18 to 21 of this Law shall be applicable to public accounting firms. 第三十一条本法第十八条至第二十一条的规定,适用于会计师事务所。