- Public feeling is being ignored by the government. 公众的意见遭到了政府的忽视。
- It has elicited a great deal of public feeling. 现在是舆论鼎沸。
- Public feeling was aroused [ran high]. 群情激昂。
- Yes, sir, indeed. It has elicited a great deal of public feeling. 不错,先生,真的,现在是舆论鼎沸。
- The Party's work style bears on the image of the Party,the trend of public feeling and the life of the Party. 党的作风,关系党的形象,关系人心向背,关系党的生命。
- You should always be ready to experience and have an understanding of public feeling. 你要经常体察民情。
- In recent years, people start to know the biggest function of social intendance by some important Internet public feeling's affairs. 近年来,一些重大的网络舆情事件使人们开始认识到网络舆情对社会监督起到的巨大作用。
- No longer will officials and the public feel so constrained by a need to demonstrate a unity of purpose. 官员和普通百姓都不会再对为表达集体意愿而进行流行示威这种需要而感到拘束。
- Or says like coterie place, be " lookout of Chinese folk public feelings " ? 抑或像圈内人所说,是“中国民间舆情了望台”?
- Spero is too much engaged in her work.C.Spero has grown out of her bad habit.D.Spero is not in a desperate situation.How do the public feel about the current economic situation? 文中第二段最后一句话中,顾客们对此只是关注,并不惊慌,尽管很多人消费有所减缩,但他们对经济的长期前景是乐观的。
- It is necessary for cohering public feeling and inspiring fighting will to cultivate and publicize models. 摘要积极培养与宣传典型对凝聚人心、鼓舞斗志、推动工作很有必要。
- Public feeling has become calm. 人心安定。
- Public feeling was aroused. 群情激昂。
- The public felt patronised, and on January 11th 5,000 people marched on City Hall. 公众因此受到极大触动,1月11日,5000人来到市政府游行示威。
- Secondly, Fuze Yuji appeals that the government respect public feelings, meanwhile, public opinion supervise the government. (2)福泽要求政府不要压制舆论,而应给舆论以自由之权,同时舆论还应有权监督政府;
- It is neither a call to get public feelings and sympathy, nor is it a sell out to earn more money and sing his own praises at the same time. 并不是想要大众关注他同情他,或是通过出版自传来赚钱,又或者是标榜自己。
- State banquet says very earnest, be culture of a kind of food and folkway public feelings nothing more than actually reveal. 国宴说起来很严厉,其实不外是一种饮食文化与民风民情的展示。
- Although the feelings of unfunded, such as Gong in the mid-9 in the public feelings about the situation, she also has been seeking to SELF. 虽然感情未有着落,但恭如于9月中在公开活动被问到感情状况时,她亦自爆已有追求者。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。