- Offensive to public moral values; immodest. 无礼的;猥亵的冒犯公共道德价值观的;下流的。
- Making irresponsible remarks in public, he has no sense of public morality. 他在公共场合浪语,一点也不注意公德!
- We were losing ourselves in listening the report about public morality, rock music to blast forth in next door. 我们正聚精会神听有关公共道德的报告,隔壁突然响起了摇滚乐。
- People who deviate from public morality should be punished by a fine, public embarrassment, or community service? 人背离公共道德应被公共关系组织处以罚金还是从事社区服务的部门呢?
- Films like this are a danger to public morals. 这样的电影有害公德。
- Public morals are declining day by day. 世风日下。
- For them, questions of public morality often revolve around what it means to be a decent, tolerant society. 对他们来说,公共道德问题围绕的是怎样才算一个体面、宽容的社会。
- In its latest decision, the WTO ruledthat American gambling laws are discriminatory and so are not protectedby the “public morality” exemption. WTO最新的裁决认为美国的博彩法例是歧视性的,所以不可受到"公共道德"条件的豁免。
- Last, the Party and government officials and civil servants should abide by laws and public morality, work conscientiously, and serve the people wholeheartedly. 最后,党和政府官员及公务员应当遵守法律及公共道德,凭良心办事,全心全意为人民服务。
- Ogyu Sorai raised “public moral theory”, emphasizing its importance in every aspect in society. 荻生徂徕则提出“公论”,强调“公”的领域在社会各个层面的重要意义。
- They are irregular main bodies , illegimate content , illegimate form , illegimate formality , untrue intent , infringe public morality , disobey collective contract. 主要有主体不合法,内容不合法,形式不合法,签订程序不合法,意思表示不真实,违反社会公共利益,违反集体合同等。
- A person of loose morals;a decline in the public morals. 行为放荡的人;公共道德的衰落
- The play was considered an affront to public morals. 人们认为这出戏侮辱了社会公德。
- Modern credit covering virtue or individual self-cultivation,ethical code or public morality is bound to be represented by the arrangement of social system. 作为美德或个人修养、伦理规则或公共道德的现代诚信范畴,最终要通过社会的制度安排体现出来。
- What would our society be like if there were no public morals? 如果没有公共道德,那我们的社会会怎样呢?
- Seen as a duty to protect public morality, the Chinese authorities have launched a campaign to ban the unhealthy, vulgar and pornographic content on the internet. 中国有关当局已经展开行动整治禁止网路上流传不健康、粗俗、色情的内容,并将此视为维护公众道德的一项任务。
- In knowledge-based learning also pay attention to cultivating their own lofty moral character, consciously bound to comply with public morality, no bad habits and behavior. 在注重知识学习的同时还注意培养自己高尚的道德情操,自觉遵纪守法,遵守社会公德,没有不良嗜好和行为。
- Hanfei brought forward “human relationship theory” after inheriting Legalism; Ogyu Sorai raised “public moral theory”, emphasizing its importance in every aspect in society. 韩非集法家思想之大成,提出“人情论”;荻生徂徕则提出“公论”,强调“公”的领域在社会各个层面的重要意义。
- Habermas criticizes that Rawls's justification lacks a public moral viewpoint, confuses the differences between acceptability and acceptance, and misunderstands moral truth. 哈贝马斯批评罗尔斯的论证缺少一个公共的道德视角、混淆了可接受性与实际接受的区别,以及误解了道德真理。
- It injures public morality. 这事有损公德。