- We could do a lot more with government departments to use public procurement to pull through innovation. 我们能够在利用政府部门的公共采购推动创新方面做更多的事情。
- Typical cases of corruption are related e. G. To public procurement, town planning and construction business. 芬兰的贪污案件一般涉及公营机构的采购程序、城市规划和建造业。
- WTO rules on public procurement do not restrict the ability of local governments to discriminate against foreign suppliers. WTO关于公共项目采购的条款中并没有限制当地政府歧视外国供应商的权力。
- An important measure is the adoption of transparent procedures within the Public Administration, particularly in the public procurement sector, which constitutes a sensitive area, involving serious risks of corruption. 其中一个重要的措施是在公共行政方面,采取公开的程序;尤其是公营机构的采购程序,因为这是一个非常敏感而贪污风险又极高的范畴。
- Ignoramus discretion is one kind of public procurator's free discretion right. 不起诉裁量权是检察官自由裁量权的一种。
- The Public Procurators Law and the Judges Law were promulgated in February 1995 and went into force in July of the same year. 《检察官法》、《法官法》是1995年2月颁布并于同年7月起开始施行的。
- The principle of combining moral encouragement with material reward shall be applied in rewarding public procurators. 对检察官的奖励,实行精神鼓励和物质鼓励相结合的原则。
- Public procurators must faithfully implement the Constitution and laws, and serve the people whole-heartedly. 第三条检察官必须忠实执行宪法和法律,全心全意为人民服务。
- Theoretical and professional training for public procurators shall be carried out in a planned way. 第二十七条对检察官应当有计划地进行理论培训和业务培训。
- Article 3 Public procurators must faithfully implement the Constitution and laws, and serve the people whole-heartedly. 第三条检察官必须忠实执行宪法和法律,全心全意为人民服务。
- Article 47 The petition or complaint made by a public procurator shall be true to facts. 第四十七条检察官提出申诉和控告,应当实事求是。
- If the public procurator disagrees with the result, he or she may apply for reconsideration. 本人对考核结果如有异议,可以申请复议。
- To fail to perform a public procurator's duty, and make no rectification after criticism. 不履行检察官义务,经教育仍不改正的。
- The retirement system regarding public procurators shall, in light of the characteristics of procuratorial work, be formulated separately by the State. 第四十三条检察官的退休制度,根据检察工作特点,由国家另行规定。
- The salary of a public procurator who has been dismissed from the post shall at the same time be reduced and his or her grade be demoted. 受撤职处分的,同时降低工资和等级。
- The salary system and scales for public procurators shall, in light of the characteristics of procuratorial work, be formulated by the State. 第三十七条检察官的工资制度和工资标准,根据检察工作特点,由国家规定。
- Execution of a decision on a sanction given to a public procurator shall not be suspended during the period of reconsideration or petition. 复议和申诉期间,不停止对检察官处分决定的执行。
- After retirement public procurators shall enjoy the insurance of old age pension and other benefits as prescribed by the State. 第四十四条检察官退休后,享受国家规定的养老保险金和其他待遇。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- A public procurator who is dismissed shall be removed from the post in accordance with the procedures as provided by law. 第四十二条辞退检察官应当依照法律规定的程序免除其职务。