- In his later life, Rawls clearly expounds the basic concept of public reason. 摘要罗尔斯在后期明确提出并详细阐述了公共理性这一根本性的概念。
- My third point is that democracy is primarily, as I see it, not just voting, but public reasoning, government by discussion. 我的第三个观点就是:民主,正如我所看到的,它不只是投票问题,它主要还是公众推理,是由争论主宰的政府。
- Rawls’ idea of public reason is the citizens’ overlapping consensus about the basic justice. 罗尔斯公共理性的观念,是公民对基本正义问题获得的重叠共识。
- Rousseau's theory in fact hypothesizes an agreement between the public reason and the individual reason. 卢梭的理论实际上假设了一种公共理性与个人的理性的一致性;
- Both neither is repellent " be stupefied anger is green " , also do not abase " make sauce " , but more important is to want make public reason, morality and responsibility. 既不排斥“愣愤青”,也不贬抑“打酱油”,但更重要的是要张扬理性、道德和责任。
- It announce government public reason, class reason and economic reason coming with real social reality of life in government's operating, and explicate government itself have one strength that "argues" or basic spirit. 第一部分揭开“政府理性”的神秘面纱 以生活中的活生生的社会现实来揭示政府运行中所具有的公共理性、阶级理性和经济理性,引申出政府本身具有一种自己说理的动力或曰基本精神。
- Under the circumstances of reasonable pluralism, public reasoning asks us to deduce just principles by the recognized universal beliefs and deducible forms so as to reach "overlapping consensus". 摘要在理性多元论的情况下,为了使正义原则能够达成重叠共识,公共理性要求我们只诉诸于人们普遍接受的常识性信念和推理形式来推演正义原则。
- The scope of public reason; Jonathan Quong 公共理性的范围
- The Idea of Public Reason Revisited 再论公共理性观念
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。
- The article explains the publicized reason and contents of Japan Positive List System,based on which it analyzes the influences to China food export and the relevant countermeasures. 文章详细地解释了日本“的肯定列表制度”出台的原因及其内容,深入分析了肯定列表对我国食品出口的影响,提出了我国食品出口的应对策略。
- Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 发音清晰对演说家至关重要。
- I don't like to see women making up in public. 我不喜欢看见女人在公开场合化妆打扮。
- Don't give away to the public when we will start. 不要向公众泄露我们出发的日期。
- He did it in full view of the public. 他在众目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- It is the first time that I speak in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。
- The first day of the month is a public holiday. 这个月的第一天是一个公共假日。